The Believer

The bitter air ravages at their skin
As it searches for succumbed entrance
The golden flowers shiver in the austere lighting
Of a sun that vanquished a life
One so extravagant as it may seem
It's eyes dimly lit by unforseen events
The forest whispers in an uneven baritone
Sending even the most fearless of creatures astray
The force having fought for its dignity and selfish pride
Has taken its toll and victory upon those most weak
Until its fate treaded upon one so severe
For even the beast cowered in its presence
It sent the water reverberating over the mountain peak so high
A cascading of ethereal shimmers of strange delight
Its life residing to battle whom had taken its love
As it cried for vengeance known so long unto them
It rose its water-sheathed sword upon the devil that destroyed so many
Only to be met in a fearsome backlash with licking flames that adhere
As the beast may fear; its gluttony too strong
They pursued a fateful battle that tore many from delving depths
For when the cry of victory was won
And all saw for what it truly came to be
Naught more than a wisp of a troubled reality
That screamed out in desperation of what was lost
The waters receeding and the vengeance laid to rest
The high trees did stand still till all was replaced
The golden shimmer of flowers blowing so resoundly
For once they knew peace had been spread upon a land so cursed
Until its fearsome monster rebirthed into more devilish a being
The lights and time within would move without a trace
For the lore of all that had occurred
Would seem nothing more than a dream
To the sole-believer entombed in a cavern so deep...
As it searches for succumbed entrance
The golden flowers shiver in the austere lighting
Of a sun that vanquished a life
One so extravagant as it may seem
It's eyes dimly lit by unforseen events
The forest whispers in an uneven baritone
Sending even the most fearless of creatures astray
The force having fought for its dignity and selfish pride
Has taken its toll and victory upon those most weak
Until its fate treaded upon one so severe
For even the beast cowered in its presence
It sent the water reverberating over the mountain peak so high
A cascading of ethereal shimmers of strange delight
Its life residing to battle whom had taken its love
As it cried for vengeance known so long unto them
It rose its water-sheathed sword upon the devil that destroyed so many
Only to be met in a fearsome backlash with licking flames that adhere
As the beast may fear; its gluttony too strong
They pursued a fateful battle that tore many from delving depths
For when the cry of victory was won
And all saw for what it truly came to be
Naught more than a wisp of a troubled reality
That screamed out in desperation of what was lost
The waters receeding and the vengeance laid to rest
The high trees did stand still till all was replaced
The golden shimmer of flowers blowing so resoundly
For once they knew peace had been spread upon a land so cursed
Until its fearsome monster rebirthed into more devilish a being
The lights and time within would move without a trace
For the lore of all that had occurred
Would seem nothing more than a dream
To the sole-believer entombed in a cavern so deep...
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."