Dear _______

Dear _______
I never liked the way you carried yourself,
a clumsy sort of gait, you were faking, I swear.
You had such poise,
when no one was looking
a droplet, dancing on a frosted web
Your ballet years couldn't lie.
I want to think on you fondly
(my memory is poor and a liar anyway)
So I'll think of Eliot and call you
the 'Hyacinth Girl',
and you'll meet me in the Garden
with your hair wet with rain,
Whenever my eyes fail me.
I never liked the way you carried yourself,
a clumsy sort of gait, you were faking, I swear.
You had such poise,
when no one was looking
a droplet, dancing on a frosted web
Your ballet years couldn't lie.
I want to think on you fondly
(my memory is poor and a liar anyway)
So I'll think of Eliot and call you
the 'Hyacinth Girl',
and you'll meet me in the Garden
with your hair wet with rain,
Whenever my eyes fail me.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"