Defy Yourself

On the hill of broken dreams
the rejected soul stood
heart in his hand
and half way from the top
I will overcome it he said to himself
but doubt was already in his thoughts
his energy was low
and he had nothing to eat or drink
it was just him
and his obstacles
the hill stood defiant
as the hours passed
he struggled to ascend more
he started to hallucinate
delirium was taking hold
he stumbled and slipped
his trousers tore
and he could see
blood trickling from the hole
he picked himself back up
refussing to give in
as the cold of the night
weakened his resolve
shivering uncontrolably
he gave in to his fate
the rejected soul stood
heart in his hand
and half way from the top
I will overcome it he said to himself
but doubt was already in his thoughts
his energy was low
and he had nothing to eat or drink
it was just him
and his obstacles
the hill stood defiant
as the hours passed
he struggled to ascend more
he started to hallucinate
delirium was taking hold
he stumbled and slipped
his trousers tore
and he could see
blood trickling from the hole
he picked himself back up
refussing to give in
as the cold of the night
weakened his resolve
shivering uncontrolably
he gave in to his fate
Can not be arsed with life no more.