Thoughts of Individuality Shadowing my Perspective

reeferchiefreeferchief Posts: 3,569
edited November 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
It's how I've taken, what I've seen
the message deciphered
the thought obscene

And when you complain about how I interpreted your dream
what did you expect me to see, expect me to be
you asked for my opinions, I shared them and you freaked

you need to respect, we all have different perspectives
see things through our own eyes
and while that's not always aparent, it's how it always is
these differences make us individual
it's what makes us all tick

so when you hear an answer you dont like
dont be surprised and please dont bite, it's my opinion
and what you asked for.

Its how I've appeared, what you've noticed
the image shattered
the fashion destroyed

and when you complain about how I look, it's not your choice
it's mine you fuck, I'm comfortable like this
if you cant handle that, then you had best leave

you need to respect we dress how we like,
were all not robots following the hype, it's my choice
it's what makes us individuals, of our own minds
and while that's not always aparent, it's how it is

so when you see me dressed in a way you dont like
dont you judge me and tell me I look shit
maybe in your eyes but not in mine.
Can not be arsed with life no more.
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