Your Breaking My Heart and it Hurts

It's how you want me to be, that I cant
never enough, always wanting me to change
wanting to mould me, into your vision
me being me is not good enough for thee
no happy medium can be achieved
for all I'm a happy, loving individual
happy to help when needed
to bring in a salary
to help with your writing problems
to be an ear when you need listening to
to be a father to your children
to put you first
to tidy the house and most importantly
to love you, like your the most important person in my life
it is still not enough
Remember I am still a person
with wants and needs
feelings that need to be soothed
problems that need discussing
please take me into consideration
when plotting your scheme
dont just treat me as an object
I am human after all
Your Breaking my heart and it hurts
never enough, always wanting me to change
wanting to mould me, into your vision
me being me is not good enough for thee
no happy medium can be achieved
for all I'm a happy, loving individual
happy to help when needed
to bring in a salary
to help with your writing problems
to be an ear when you need listening to
to be a father to your children
to put you first
to tidy the house and most importantly
to love you, like your the most important person in my life
it is still not enough
Remember I am still a person
with wants and needs
feelings that need to be soothed
problems that need discussing
please take me into consideration
when plotting your scheme
dont just treat me as an object
I am human after all
Your Breaking my heart and it hurts
Can not be arsed with life no more.
Post edited by Unknown User on
So, YOUR, title should be YOU'RE breaking my heart and it hurts.
Sorry, but I had to do it.
-C Addison
Thanks, maybe there was a hint of sinicisim and irony in it, no?
Given the context and the content of what I wrote.
I didn't mean any offense. I'm just anal about that kind of thing.
By the way, you misspelled scinicism.
-C Addison
Yes there was, and thanks for the english lesson, it's really what I needed when I'm feeling like shit.
-C Addison
I am Madjack thanks for the support and reading my poems, I appreciate it.:)
if the one you love wants you to be something other than who you are...
fucking, fuck them!
that ain't love. that's bullshit.
now, there's certainly wishing good will for your mate. wishing a better job, or even the ability to handle yourself better... or differently, in a given situation. not unlike you're here wishing your mate would do. you're asking her to love you differently (or, shoot... to maybe just love you, I don't know...)
The cure here is to be compassionate with yourself, and with her. Tell her, "baby, I love you, but you're treating me like shit, and basically telling me that you don't want me around. And while that sucks, I'll go if that's what you want. You've got to show me you care about me, cuz I'm getting the shaft right now. I love you very much, but (well, shoot, just like you said in your piece) it hurts!"
good luck.
one more thing... it's hard to tell if people put up poems cuz they're hurting and want support, or if they're just writing for writing's sake. if you get grammatical or literary crit, and it's not what you're looking for, just blow it off OR try to do things at once. Vent your hurt, and become a better writer in the process
much elove... (ie, compassion from the void)