Left Behind

It echoes to the sand
as the anchor breaks of
waves in the sea
splashing loud
and rusting more
as the water defragments
shards of fickle metal
and the boat rests gently
the fisherman casts his rod
and ponders on what he will see
at ease he sits
just nature keeps him company
another trip
to that tranquil place
away from all the hustle
his own private escape.
as the anchor breaks of
waves in the sea
splashing loud
and rusting more
as the water defragments
shards of fickle metal
and the boat rests gently
the fisherman casts his rod
and ponders on what he will see
at ease he sits
just nature keeps him company
another trip
to that tranquil place
away from all the hustle
his own private escape.
Can not be arsed with life no more.