Lazy Philosophy

reeferchiefreeferchief Posts: 3,569
edited November 2006 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
I pushed it,
it did not move
I wanted it to move
I needed it to move
but it did not
perhaps this was representative of the bigger picture
not just the problem, but the philosophy applied to it,
and my life in general
perhaps it was a lack of care within my pattern of thought
sure to get from A to B I needed this to happen
but whether it did or not life would go on, not as well as I wanted
but on none the less.
The recognition, the fact that I gave this thought,
but disscarded it was further more proof to the fact
that my theory was correct
but I was too lazy to react, or care
pushed again, but nowhere did it move
what's the point
what would it prove?
Can not be arsed with life no more.
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