There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Keep writing, keep writing BE so I'm inspired to write more, too. I LOVE haiku, just LOVE it!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I really enjoy this thread and actually, I like the blues inspired haiku as well...I just can't seem to come up with as many of those. Don't you worry, whenever a little poem comes to mind, I'll set it to the page and I know you'll keep inspiring me, after all, you are thee, Ms. Haiku!!!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
walking to clear my thoughts
small river towards the street drain
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
red sugar candy at half-price
press enter for next year
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
the grass grows
near the Washington Monument
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Washington Monument
runners run towards their breaths
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
oh enlightened... that lonely one... issa mak-a-me cry cry
I LOVE the emotional anti-force of the word "hush", and the sound "shh". It's like, totally connected to my inner child's heart-strings or something....
path revealed within the fog
two leaves towards war dead
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I was thinking of the Vietnam Memorial, and how foggy it was this morning, and I just put the two in the same poem. A lot of times we are able to see a foggy day from the ground up. For instance, a sidewalk is revealed before a 4th floor window.
The visitor looks down the path and the only thing of interest is a couple leaves due to what the fog is hiding. The visitor does not know the memorial is within a couple steps of these leaves. Then after these steps the visitor is faced with all the names of the war dead.
Haiku should be clear within the first reading. I just need to practice more
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
March arrives
filling runners' shoes
mile upon mile
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Ok, it's been a while, so my wheels are rusty, too:
September, Solstice government building
a window divides
known from unknown
gold floating down
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
an angel's tears fall
covering my face and hair
she cleanses my soul
To get you back in the swing of things, Ms. H. I need a tune up too--I don't think I can beat my February, Moods least not yet!
Thanks for bringing this forward, BE! I LoVe Haiku, just love it!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Closed door divides the night
Crickets lean
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
trees bend beyond the door
weather forecast
of storms
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
coffee and coffins,
cruelty by candlelight, he
cannot keep you caged
And Ms. H? Of course you love Haiku! After all, you transformed into the oh so bella, Ms. Haiku now, didn't you? I love seeing you and your haikus in this forum.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
advocacy meeting
who represents?
the drawings and plans
of content
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Valentine's Day
forget the bouquet (they wilt)
help tend this garden
hearts will grow and love will boom
ten characters
Valentine's Day
petals flow in melted snow
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I like this one, Ms. Haiku!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
melting snow
walking to clear my thoughts
small river towards the street drain
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Fading Are The Darker Days
winter blanketsget shaken
dust lightly dances
springfresh sunshine settles in
EDIT: camouflaged colours!
Fading Are The Darker Days
winter blankets get shaken
dust lightly dances
springfresh sunshine settles in
St. Valentine's Day
red sugar candy at half-price
press enter for next year
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
snow statues
the grass grows
near the Washington Monument
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
morning chill
Washington Monument
runners run towards their breaths
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Mark It With A "D"
I brake the bonds with a smile
blow dust, pass it on
my old sweater's a warm hug
Clear Blue
the colour of ice crystals
on porcelain cheeks
snow falls on a lonely road
Lonely Road
before there was laughter, joy
before the hush, shhh
before your cheeks turned away
I LOVE the emotional anti-force of the word "hush", and the sound "shh". It's like, totally connected to my inner child's heart-strings or something....
good one, girliewhirl
you got me
morning fog
path revealed within the fog
two leaves towards war dead
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
i don't know what it means, but i do like it
The visitor looks down the path and the only thing of interest is a couple leaves due to what the fog is hiding. The visitor does not know the memorial is within a couple steps of these leaves. Then after these steps the visitor is faced with all the names of the war dead.
Haiku should be clear within the first reading. I just need to practice more
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
it's really good. i like ambiguity a lot. and, not only that... this line works the mouth.
i say it's a keeper
i'm even thinking of changing my sig
March arrives
filling runners' shoes
mile upon mile
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Aging children ask
Is the Easter Bunny Real?
Yes. He looks like me.
"The sky is crying..."- SRV
an angel's tears fall
covering my face and hair
she cleanses my soul
To get you back in the swing of things, Ms. H.
September, Solstice
government building
a window divides
known from unknown
gold floating down
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
patio door
Closed door divides the night
Crickets lean
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
radio program
trees bend beyond the door
weather forecast
of storms
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
coffee and coffins,
cruelty by candlelight, he
cannot keep you caged
And Ms. H? Of course you love Haiku! After all, you transformed into the oh so bella, Ms. Haiku now, didn't you?
Pine Trees
pine needle webs scratch the porch
Monday morning
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird