Your Gift

PJGirl2004PJGirl2004 Posts: 58
edited August 2004 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
Believing you
was easier
before you believed in her.
Having you come back
is like
accepting dead flowers.
Or cold leftovers.
I have the taste of metal
in my mouth.
I don't know how to live,
or love for that matter.
You knocked over
a tower of blocks
and now I am a little girl
Surounded by your mess.
I detest
the person you've become
The monster I've become...
I know I'm not who you once loved
But who's to blame there?

They say that everyone
feels this way at some point...
that we all share the same feelings
That brings me no comfort at all.
I can't even
keep my emotions to myself
They've all been felt
by somebody else.
I have nothing to cling to
and nowhere to run to.
Thank you.
I am an isolated island
underneath a sunless sky
on the coldest day of winter.
What's the matter?
Don't want to hear it?
Can't stand to see it?
Want to leave again?
Too bad,
my heart is a raw
and bleeding organ
An unfeeling mass of flesh.
What once was love
has become
you said you wanted me back
and this is what you get.
So really, open up your gift.
It's just my soul on a platter
and my heart in a dish.

Blow out the candles
and make your wish.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    WOW...I am utterly and completely floored right now...
    You are a brilliant writer, and I'm sure a brilliant person as well. Whoever this guy is...i'm sure he doesn't deserve you.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • Originally posted by PJGirl2004
    They say that everyone
    feels this way at some point...
    that we all share the same feelings
    That brings me no comfort at all.
    I can't even
    keep my emotions to myself
    They've all been felt
    by somebody else.

    Whole poem was great. LOVE this section.

    Rock on witcha bad self
    If there was a chair in which I could comprehend, I would stand always and embrace the path
  • suedesuede Posts: 247
    oh wow. wow. whoa. ugh. so good but so sad. damn kid-o...
    it's really good.
  • PJGirl2004PJGirl2004 Posts: 58
    I was feeling a tad icy that day! ;)
    But really, thanks for reading.

    Here goes another one...
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
  • PJGirl2004PJGirl2004 Posts: 58
    Like a phantom
    your face hangs
    just on the edge
    of memory.
    A dream.
    An image just out of touch
    just out of reach.
    Haunting and cool
    like the wind that sweeps
    over a lake at night.
    I want to be with you.
    I long to see you
    but you are just out of sight.

    I remember a kiss,
    when we were the only two souls on earth.
    I remember the world
    stopped turning for a moment.
    As you held me.
    Because I let you
    be aware of my worth.

    Your love was a present
    and your heart was a gift.
    But now, the earth
    is spinning out of control
    and there is so little to hold on to.
    The universe has ripped.

    Like a leaf on a limb,
    my position is precarious.
    And holding on is tedious.
    I could blow away at any time
    but where would I go?
    Who would catch me?
    And what
    would I leave behind?

    If I fell,
    I think I'd just fall through you.
    Into an abyss of blue
    and black.
    For you are a ghost
    and your love is an act.
    I know you can't save me.
    You simply mistake me
    for a fool.
    I am still
    so in love with you.

    Or with your memory, at least.
    I wrap my arms around
    the frailty
    that was once
    you and me.
    I gaze out into the glass rain
    and cry.
    There is a life out there somewhere,
    but it has surely passed me by.

    I never wanted something so much.
    Just a hand to touch,
    a hope to believe in.
    A smile to share.
    You were the one
    who'd always be there...
    but you escaped me
    and yourself I suspect.
    You left me
    and I cannot rest.

    For the night is a globe
    of lonely tears,
    cried into hands that
    cannot feel.
    I hang in anguish
    on the limb of a tree.
    While your face hangs like
    on the edge of a dream.
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
  • nicoolnicool Posts: 89
    wow... :eek: took my breath away with your words..... EXCELLENT poem.. keep writing! i'd love to hear more of your work.
    You sheltered me from nothing but the weather...
  • Oh so sad :(, but oh so good! Thank you for sharing! :)
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • suedesuede Posts: 247
    double post
    double post
    bling bling
  • suedesuede Posts: 247
    So good - as always. I really like how the poem starts and ends.
  • FancyFacadeFancyFacade Posts: 330
    very well said--thank you for sharing
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
  • violet rayviolet ray Posts: 502
    you are good...really good.
    You ask me to enter
    But then You make me crawl
    And I can't be holding on
    To what You got
    When all You've got is hurt
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    All my hopes and anger, pride and shame
  • I'm completely shocked. could easily be published. Love your work and well...keep writing.
    there'll be time for laughin'
    there's no time to cry
    soon i will be leavin'
    look me in the eye
    no matter what's in front of me
    it's your face that i'll see
  • ArieltkeArieltke Posts: 17
    your emotions are raw
    where did you come from...
    are you storming this world
    Or did you just lose an umbrella
    Now are you trying to build your wall back up
    Don’t try too quickly.
    They are eager and trust me they’re shady
    One drop from your eye tells me a shattered past comes through your pen
    Can sunlight help to restore what was torn and tattered.

    When you step outside
    Do you notice the birds whistling out your name
    Or is it just another day
    Grey Kind of Hazy.
    Im not trying to coax you in your own words
    You hang in anguish on a limb of a tree.

    Don’t forget the coin flips and lands on either side always…
    For you.. for him…
  • that was nice of you.
    and you are right, things can change so easily.

    thanks for writing one just for me!!
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
  • i wanna bring back some of the old poems that have left this part of the message board....its been down so long i figured some should be brought back

    ~~~the classic bump~~~
    there'll be time for laughin'
    there's no time to cry
    soon i will be leavin'
    look me in the eye
    no matter what's in front of me
    it's your face that i'll see
  • PJGirl2004PJGirl2004 Posts: 58
    OMG, these poems were so sad!!! I am glad to be past those hard times now.

    Or, well as past them as I'll ever be!
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
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