Montena De Oro

robertthecatrobertthecat Posts: 69
This is the place where my heart returns
Among this seaside cliff that marks the end of the
Earth and extends the river of heaven to me

Here at this turquoise abyss
The ocean silt shimmers in dazzling golds
And waves that reach out in tormented peaks and crescents
Each capturing the light of the universe,
Push back against the earth, battering the edges of
Jagged black rocks cupped around this place
Like welcoming fingers

Here, where the road ends, without warning
And opens to this endless forever
Witnessed by a handful of cars with lovers mostly,
Who swallow tidbits of paradise in between
Slow moments of their shared pleasures
Finds me here at the dusk of my day on a singular journey,
Alone though not alone

Outward from the shadows jut tall pines and oaks
And shrieking birds glide and dance
Among the ocean currents as if nothing more needed to be known

Salty whispers from the welcoming ocean tease my hair
And brush my cheek with a trusting gentleness
That expects nothing

Behind me the ghostly roars of bears sound
Tracing their path here from the Los Osos valley
To this celestial gateway

The heart I have safely hidden in the soles of my shoes
Chills me and for a moment I shiver like the dancing pines
Here at the edge of the world, where eternity crashes into earth
The encircling bears sing their lament against their journey here
My soul returned to me, renewed and strong
Myself again
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    This is beautiful.

    I like this line very much:
    "The heart I have safely hidden in the soles of my shoes"
  • I really wish I could take everyone I knew to this place, Montena de Oro (eye of the mountain), which is nestled in the central coast of California where the Los Osos Valley Rd literally ends without warning. Last time I visited the place, it was marked only by an empty mansion nestled about 1/4 mile away and a small battered sign that marked the landmark. It truly was amazing. It seems as if I was looking at the primoridal soup of life, where everything starts. I just have no words to express its beauty.
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