Not About Numbers

Colors of MusidColors of Musid Posts: 55
edited April 2004 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
It's not about numbers it is about pride
it is finding a truth in a hurt and turning to the better side
to look in the face all you saw as wrong
and being generous with the pain earned gifts you got

After your journey you returned with a light
and you shall carry it forever shining when you need it's sight
and cleaning the wounds that did appear
be it total life lost or emotions and years

We enjoy our journey being here
and we look to all the meaningful years
the what on earth we prize
give of all the other selves’ full lives

I can't remember what got me here
the steps of our journey become clouded by years
all that we have seen and all that we have known
turns every response to all experience on the road

After your journey you returned with a light
and you shall carry it forever shining when you need it's sight
and cleaning the wounds that did appear
be it total life lost or emotions and years

Now sit back somewhere and get gentle release
slip into the garden and let the black seed
a soul of the alive nature of your soul
immortality is on your porch as you all know

After your journey you returned with a light
and you shall carry it forever shining when you need it's sight
and cleaning the wounds that did appear
be it total life lost or emotions and years
DO <> RE <> MI FA <> SOL <> LA <> SI DO
1 <> 2 <> 3 4 <> 5 <> 6 <> 7 8
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