Through the darkness of futures past, the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds: "Fire Walk With Me." We lived among the people - I think you say convenience store? We lived above it. I mean it like it is, like it sounds. My name is Mike. His name is BOB.
scary pleasure
Get started
The fellow might be dead within the hour.
when I'm on foot.
In Jeffrey Ament's hat.
And Eddie Vedder's hair turned curly blonde.
fucking cat.
like daybreak
That's your grandchildren cursing your dimpled chad.
as collateral damage
until we choose not to shop.
...if they pay the right price
were the mothers of the disappeared?
consticted flowss
Only cowards stand and fight.
liberates me
and mine me
ugliness is truth
Why I am
Investigative procedure's tip-top A-1!!!!!!
with a holy goalie
in a brand new pair of underpants.
so wholly H
because words don't mean shit
but always forget
I would be here
1 <> 2 <> 3 4 <> 5 <> 6 <> 7 8
by endless hearflutters and lust
dark green sidecar'd dark brown mote
lovefest begins
beauty emancipates