how i came to peace for tonight

sitting on this coach a universe drowning itself thrown out of dumpsterland im as useless as using pneumonic as the first letter of pneumonic some claiming they'll get me high in order to search better as if that would help as it it might shift my paper-shaped paradigm so squirrel like in its shyness like i see a nut and retreat spend my day endlessly fucking wishing i had been spent like that loose 5 that you found and took for granted california population seventeen or how were invited to the wedding of mirrors. spiral like a spiderweb, cock pocked and saddled. fuzzy star face bimbo of the sun have you got my lady my stripped clown doubt obsessed ride to the city every other sunday like before monday or a day i make up because mondays feel like tuesdays in dumpsterland everything dumped thought to be useless humming pneumonic and trying to spell it with my finger in the air. thank discovery for my clouds, my god, the peace.
"be a philosopher but, amid all your philosophy, be first a man" - david hume
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.