there goes

there goes the national policy bundled up in shreds
there goes another movie lively on its head
here comes another novel
there goes the last straw, cigarette bound and woven
keep your head above your shoulders you said
as if I had to be scolded. Waste one more year
and I may kill you, wolves and teeth, brown scar kitchen knife wounds
reckless squalor and no victory to claim
there goes another day, unfolded and uncared for
lost among a wilderness of rhymes
keep the there goes and they may never leave
care for the tired the hungry so they may repay
you are a god you don't have to try
be selfish with the here we comes
or lost them all other again
here we come, there goes,
a lost timeline unwound.
there goes another movie lively on its head
here comes another novel
there goes the last straw, cigarette bound and woven
keep your head above your shoulders you said
as if I had to be scolded. Waste one more year
and I may kill you, wolves and teeth, brown scar kitchen knife wounds
reckless squalor and no victory to claim
there goes another day, unfolded and uncared for
lost among a wilderness of rhymes
keep the there goes and they may never leave
care for the tired the hungry so they may repay
you are a god you don't have to try
be selfish with the here we comes
or lost them all other again
here we come, there goes,
a lost timeline unwound.
"be a philosopher but, amid all your philosophy, be first a man" - david hume
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.