rambles in a mourn

how do we reconcile lost?
replacement waivers, windfalls or mills
caught up in what's dead and what never lived
inside of us, some black star suddenly exposed
crept up and slaughtered blind, phoenixed reborn
and on a reign of broken spirited terror.
there is no laughing in death
nothing instinctually happy or present
something hollowed, something absent
some falling train headlight fading into the distance
where cliffs once hung but now curve. He fell off life
he lost everything I could possibly know and when I'd like to ask him
everything I could never figure out myself
there will be that lost handshake, most simply
an ever-present opening into thoughts unadorned and dark
some loss whose magnitude remains unmeasurable
there is still an undeniable axel to this world
on top or on the bottom
there's a basic balance like light and death
like an instant flash of success and death
like a single moment and death
a melting tower of ice cream, folded piece of stock recycled paper
some barking beagle in the mall parking lot
your smile on a plaster plaque
and smoke-tongued death
this is our balance
my balance until my questions are answered or atleast
until death aligns itself with something new.
replacement waivers, windfalls or mills
caught up in what's dead and what never lived
inside of us, some black star suddenly exposed
crept up and slaughtered blind, phoenixed reborn
and on a reign of broken spirited terror.
there is no laughing in death
nothing instinctually happy or present
something hollowed, something absent
some falling train headlight fading into the distance
where cliffs once hung but now curve. He fell off life
he lost everything I could possibly know and when I'd like to ask him
everything I could never figure out myself
there will be that lost handshake, most simply
an ever-present opening into thoughts unadorned and dark
some loss whose magnitude remains unmeasurable
there is still an undeniable axel to this world
on top or on the bottom
there's a basic balance like light and death
like an instant flash of success and death
like a single moment and death
a melting tower of ice cream, folded piece of stock recycled paper
some barking beagle in the mall parking lot
your smile on a plaster plaque
and smoke-tongued death
this is our balance
my balance until my questions are answered or atleast
until death aligns itself with something new.
"be a philosopher but, amid all your philosophy, be first a man" - david hume
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.