fairy tales

a cobwebbed fairy tell spun once more
outlined by photographs and fact-driven still lifes
if this is still life than what more like it can we find?
can we turn rocks over to universes
filled with padded stories soft
silky and whored? Let's go out past
those places, our minds tipped
on sills on sides of rivers, salt washed up
turned into rocks. Thousands of years went by
before me and after you fairy tell
so many mountains pouring into rivers
so many rivers running south.
so much escape it gets caught up in itself sometimes
these antiquated stories pop like pits from stomachs turned over
sometimes they look like a sky passed over.
outlined by photographs and fact-driven still lifes
if this is still life than what more like it can we find?
can we turn rocks over to universes
filled with padded stories soft
silky and whored? Let's go out past
those places, our minds tipped
on sills on sides of rivers, salt washed up
turned into rocks. Thousands of years went by
before me and after you fairy tell
so many mountains pouring into rivers
so many rivers running south.
so much escape it gets caught up in itself sometimes
these antiquated stories pop like pits from stomachs turned over
sometimes they look like a sky passed over.
"be a philosopher but, amid all your philosophy, be first a man" - david hume
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.