naked forget-me-nots

blueinthefaceblueintheface Posts: 153
naked forget-me-nots
a new thread of romance drumming
the aromas; yhe sun's summer
sweat. Sweet dear, the air is thick
and I can hardly hear your soft hums
on walks miles long and ashes deep.

if lust were just another name
it wouldn't be so sour and forgetting
just another play. There's no time
left for pebbles to stay untouched

In the sand, the first beach
we met her smile, the uncertainty it hurt
can't I remember
or was I drawn in her
long before the moonlight?
"be a philosopher but, amid all your philosophy, be first a man" - david hume

Mitch Hedberg- RIP 1968-2005. your jokes have laughed me through a lot. I thank you.
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