Here´s Another One"

Earthy RebellionEarthy Rebellion Posts: 16
edited February 2004 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art

It´s strange, the moment,
you feel complete
when you can actually thutch
the presence of foregiveness

standing face to face
with the old you
welcomming the new you
you can feel it, sense it,
thutching the present,
the moment you are YOU

It´s the hardest deal
you´ve ever made with yourself
the sadness, the bitterness,
the unjustified guilt that you´ve
always carried along
It took root, became a part of you

You know the easiest way
would be to escape
hide, get away from this unbearable
condition you find yourself in

Fly away into your secret world,
where you can find
temporary freedom
where you can breath, find a
moment of peace
the mecanism of survival rescue me,
from becomming like the rest
of the world

It´s strange, the moment you
find yourself feeling greatfulness
thanking God you´re still alive.

It´s hard to let go of the past,
like you need that part,
to move on, to survive
the survival

Old wounds, you sucsessfully
convinced yourself
that they wood never heal
that you for always
would be a slave of guilt,
available for any selfish vulture
to make the wounds even deeper

Well, that´s past..
NOW,... is another thing.

My best regards to you all
and to inspirationally "Pearl Jam"
Thank you!

Kind regards
Rita (The Pearl) Iversen
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