One More - "before I Say Goodbye"

Earthy RebellionEarthy Rebellion Posts: 16
edited February 2004 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
Before you say goodbye,...and
enters the next fase....

You should leave the past behind now,
don´t you think?
If only they knew, what they
don´t know
if only you knew, what you didn´t know

Well, that´s past, can´t go on like this
it´s deavestating, it´s killing
you, eating you alive
someone told you the wrong way,
and used it to manipulate you,
told you they were friends,
so-called friends
some call them users,
some call them killers
driven by the evil
no love, no empathy, no closeness
just cold, like ice.
The tower of ice, the tower of manipulative forces

The here and now,
what do you do with "the
here and now"...
is there any here and now?
How are you supposed to deal with this,
This is heavy, trying,
"He" is trying you, to see if you still fit

Why? You fit.
You know that you fit,
you´ve always known that you fit.
"He", has always known,...that you fit.
But again,
someone told you the wrong way
Left alone, out in the cold.

Some said, that you didn´t love Him,
that you pulled away from Him,
your creator, your ideal.
The creator of the creators,
the Master of all masters

You know, you´ve had your doubts,
wondering, speculating, analyzing,
is this for real or is it not..
maybe it´s a fantazy..

Well, how do you know what a fantazy is,
when you weren´t alowed to fantazise.
Someone was in a hurry,
to teach you life´s reality,
the adult life,
the "Watch-out"-signs´, the tabu´s,
the forbidden
this is what you´re allowed,
this is what you´re not allowed,
if you break any of theese rules,
well, then you´re not accepted,
by God,
then you might die,
on judgementday..

What is judgementday..anyway?!

"A good heart", that you know,
actually, it´s a man,
with brains and balls,
he said, that it was something
they invented just to hold us back...

He has a point!
That man´s got a point!
What if judgementday
IS something they invented

That wood have been good.
No fear of judgementday,
no worries that God will dislike you...
for not beeing good enough,
clever enough, for committing "sins",
afraid of beeing judged,
on Judgementday...

There´s a lot of people in this world
that is affected by this,
afraid of judgmentday,
they fear what will happen,
that special "day"!

You don´t, not anymore.
That "day" is not a simple day,
it´s an era. That´s your conclution.

Thank God,
that you now know!

Kind regards
Rita (The Pearl) Iversen
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • God doesnt want you to be afraid of Him. if you become a Christian, its not about following rules or youre condemned. its about love...all about love.
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