"Dear Cassie"

"dear Cassie"
dear Cassie, daughter of mine..
when i wake up everyday...
and realize again you are gone...
i struggle to breathe...
i fall to my knees...
"let this be a dream"
its no use anymore..
i will never be okay..
the cuts as fresh as
it was 20 months ago...
i wish i could just bleed to death..
i walk alone,no-one understands...
and no-one says a word...
i feel like i have become...
some tri-polar freak on a leash...
staying up for days..
sleeping for eons...
on a leash that just lets me...
get close to the edge of insanity..
then snaps me back to reality...
how i wish i could lose my mind...
having amnesia would be peaceful..
forget my name forget my place...
(but how could i forget your face?)
i imagine the fire where you were sleeping..
i've felt a cigarette burn,it hurts so bad...
you suffered so severley...
im not going to make it...
and just in case theres no everafter...
ill die with your pics in my arms..
im so sorry you never got..
the life you deserved..
all the wonderful things you did
for others,never asking for a thing....
i love you always in all ways,,my daughter,my best friend,my life...im sorry
dear Cassie, daughter of mine..
when i wake up everyday...
and realize again you are gone...
i struggle to breathe...
i fall to my knees...
"let this be a dream"
its no use anymore..
i will never be okay..
the cuts as fresh as
it was 20 months ago...
i wish i could just bleed to death..
i walk alone,no-one understands...
and no-one says a word...
i feel like i have become...
some tri-polar freak on a leash...
staying up for days..
sleeping for eons...
on a leash that just lets me...
get close to the edge of insanity..
then snaps me back to reality...
how i wish i could lose my mind...
having amnesia would be peaceful..
forget my name forget my place...
(but how could i forget your face?)
i imagine the fire where you were sleeping..
i've felt a cigarette burn,it hurts so bad...
you suffered so severley...
im not going to make it...
and just in case theres no everafter...
ill die with your pics in my arms..
im so sorry you never got..
the life you deserved..
all the wonderful things you did
for others,never asking for a thing....
i love you always in all ways,,my daughter,my best friend,my life...im sorry
...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)
... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....