one of my favorite Stachura poem's is Dreams are Found
"[Odnalazly sie marzenia...]
Odnalazly sie marzenia
ktore wlozylem kiedys
do dziurawej kieszeni
gdy noc
wielka wrona
leciala do rzeki przejrzystej-dobrej
Tamtej nocy
nietoperze pozarly wszystkie gwiazdy
biale motyle
zostaly tylko czarne motyle
Prawda byla wtedy jak ksiezyc
toczacy sie po gladkim zwierciadle
przez cztery tygodnie
Odnalazly sie marzenia
gruby kij debowy
[Dreams were found...]
Dreams were found
dreams I once put
into my pocket with a hole
when the night
the big crow
flew to the river transparent-good
That night
bats devoured all the stars
white butterflies
only black butterflies were left
Truth was then like the moon
rolling on the smooth mirror
for four weeks
Dreams were found
a thick oak stick"
"[Odnalazly sie marzenia...]
Odnalazly sie marzenia
ktore wlozylem kiedys
do dziurawej kieszeni
gdy noc
wielka wrona
leciala do rzeki przejrzystej-dobrej
Tamtej nocy
nietoperze pozarly wszystkie gwiazdy
biale motyle
zostaly tylko czarne motyle
Prawda byla wtedy jak ksiezyc
toczacy sie po gladkim zwierciadle
przez cztery tygodnie
Odnalazly sie marzenia
gruby kij debowy
[Dreams were found...]
Dreams were found
dreams I once put
into my pocket with a hole
when the night
the big crow
flew to the river transparent-good
That night
bats devoured all the stars
white butterflies
only black butterflies were left
Truth was then like the moon
rolling on the smooth mirror
for four weeks
Dreams were found
a thick oak stick"
I really love his imagery.