Three Days to Monday

EvilToasterElfEvilToasterElf Posts: 1,119
A young paper pusher stares out
the twentieth story window of his office
From here the people on the street
have gained anonymity, but each
still distinguish by their particular stride
He spends time at this window
to gain insight somehow from the chaos
The momentum of his life has reached
that of a cow
Tip-toeing past the slaughterhouse
to the ravine at the edge of the farm
Some unspoken instinct favors
silent rock over bright steel
His office is a house of static
His conversations are background noise
The loudest sounds are unspoken words
tossed around his mind with the precision
of a tornado hurling debris
He could leave, lands one piece of clutter
But what good would that do?
The same shiftlessness would follow him
He could start lurking around bars
find a girl
But that pleasure always left him distant
speaking through tin cans attached to a string
He feels like a moth
that has come out of the rain into a mansion
but still beats his head into the windows
trying to escape
He allows himself a sidelong glance wondering
how many of those cubicles were filled with the
same thoughts about birth
His boss tells hime
"Well it's finally friday"
Though the only thought that conjures is
Three days to Monday
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • anOmisanOmis Posts: 223
    took my breath away
    ~~dont mind yer make up, just make up yer mind~~

    ~~its better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you are not~~

  • tenaciousAtenaciousA Posts: 604
    Nous habitons sur une montagne
    Juste sur la cime
    Depuis la cime de la montagne
    La vue est magnifique
    Tous les matins je marche jusqu'à la falaise
    Et je jette des petites choses
    Genre débris de voiture,
    Bouteilles et couverts
    Ou tout ce que je trouve par terre

    C'est devenu une habitude
    Une façon de commencer la journée

    J'accomplis tout ça
    Avant ton réveil
    Pour me sentir encore plus heureuse
    D'être en sécurité ici avec toi

    Très tôt le matin
    Personne n'est réveillé
    De retour à ma falaise
    Je jette encore des petites choses
    J'écoute le bruit qu'elles font dans leur chute
    Je les suis des yeux jusqu'à
    Ce qu'elles s'écrasent au sol

    J'imagine le bruit que ferait mon corps
    En claquant contre ces rochers

    Quand il touchera le sol
    Mes yeux seront-ils
    Ouverts ou fermés ?


    :D hi evil :D
    ~all is full of love~
  • EvilToasterElfEvilToasterElf Posts: 1,119
    Ah, that crazy bjork
    and her funny, foreign words
  • tenaciousAtenaciousA Posts: 604
    she is



    ~all is full of love~
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