Nobody's smile beats that. :passingoutsmiley: should be seen over and over and over
I absolutely love this scene from Water on the Road! I just watched it (more than once :oops: ) on the weekend and definitely had to rewind this part a few times...along with the part where he was chopping the coconut before singing Unthought Known (hello arms!!!)
His smile is just so natural and always makes me smile!!!
AGREED! His smile is such a beautiful, beautiful thing to see . . . he's so bloody special. I often wonder about his unique brand of magic, and why it was given to him, i.e. there is something about Eddie Vedder that is just inherently paternal, and giving. Does everyone else feel the same? Like there is just something about this man that makes each and every one of us feel like he UNDERSTANDS us. He somehow makes us all feel like we have this unique relationship with him, and that he'd catch us if we fell . . . that's his magic I think. It's this ability to make people feel loved, and cared for. It comes through in his voice. It's a very very special gift.
I was actually talking to my friend Tom at the library yesterday about Eddie (Tom is a lovely musician who likes EV and PJ and will listen to me rant on now and then), and about all of us, and how we're all SO OBSESSED with Eddie and Pearl Jam, and I was talking about how I love my PJ freaks, and how we've even started a facebook group etc . . . And this lovely guy was like 'but they're only internet friends right? You wouldn't hang out with them in real life?' and I was like what are you talking about Tom?!!! OF COURSE I would hang out with them in real life!!! We might all be big dags who are infatuated with strangers, but these are my types of people! And he was like why?
And so I talked about EV's magical quality, and how he's this caring, strong, sensual, empathetic man, how he has this huge heart that he wears on his sleeve the whole time, and how the people that are attracted to that are obviously going to be people I like! And we talked about how maybe a few of us that are so attracted to EV and PJ might have had absent, or abusive, or innappropriate, or just downright shite fathers. And we talked about how people that are totally obsessed with things, are often hiding a little bit within those things, because the world outside has done something to hurt them, or is too difficult for them to stomach. So I was like OF COURSE these are my types of people Tom, these are interesting, emotional, compassionate and hopeful people like me, who are searching for something, who are attracted to Pearl Jam because they're good empathetic men and it comes through in their music.
And then he was like 'yeah, Eddie does have this air of the savior about him!' which I thought was very observant . . . and then he said, 'well I suppose it also helps that he's hot' and I was like 'true, it probably helps that he's one of the most beautiful looking men of our time . . . but if had someone else's personality, he wouldn't be as attractive to all of us - we wouldn't be obsessed!!!' . . . And I reckon he got it . . . I think he understands us
Ultimately EV is just a dude, just a talented, empathetic, attractive man, but somehow woven into his DNA (or his consciousness) is this magical quality, this ability to make us all feel understood and cared for, that I think is probably one of the main factors of Pearl Jam's success.
And it's not something he tries at! It's not deliberate. It's just part of who he is. And it is such a beautiful thing. He somehow makes us all feel like we have a special connection with him. And because of that, we now have a special connection with eachother.
So to all my EV-addict Pearl Jam freaks, I just want to say that I love you all dearly, and I would DEFS hang with you in the real world, and I hope you would hang with me too!!!
I honestly think we're all wonderful for loving such a beautiful, caring, empathetic man. It gives me faith in humanity.
I love you guys.
Elmo you have summed up the wonderful-ness that is Eddie Vedder so perfectly! He truly is a beautiful man inside and out. I just hope that the people in his life realize how blessed they are to know him!
And for sure I'd hang out with you...if I ever go back to Melbourne
1. Click on the grey vote button.
2. Click on the green vote button (you might have to type in the text that is in the box...can't think of what they are called, but it is to stop fraudulent voting, before it lets you click on the green vote button.)
You can vote once per day
Thank you everyone!
PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥
not sure if he's hot or not, but here's a cool picture with his dog Hank, that I haven't seen on this forum before, granted I have not seen most of the pictures in this thread, Eddie talks about his dog situation in this recent Bridge School interview
not sure if he's hot or not, but here's a cool picture with his dog Hank, that I haven't seen on this forum before, granted I have not seen most of the pictures in this thread, Eddie talks about his dog situation in this recent Bridge School interview
He's definitely hot...cute man with a cute dog .
PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥
1. Click on the grey vote button.
2. Click on the green vote button (you might have to type in the text that is in the box...can't think of what they are called, but it is to stop fraudulent voting, before it lets you click on the green vote button.)
You can vote once per day
Thank you everyone!
Did it now! And i will repaet it every day!
Good luck, Emma!!! :-D :wave:
JUST VOTED NOW MISS EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! And will try and remember to vote every day! Good luck!
And thanks to everyone for all of your beautiful reponses to my latest rant. YOU ARE ALL THE BEST AND I TOTALLY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!
And this last gif, STOP IT! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL! Don't you all just walk around thinking 'Fuck I love him!!! I love him so much!'. And it makes your heart smile? And of course I think that about Mr Adorable Mikey too. The thought of both of them makes me so happy! (And the rest of the band too of course, but especially EV and MM).
I thought once I gave up drinking (gave up three months ago for a hiatus, just to try and manage my terrible IBS, try and get pregs and also because I've got a pretty serious binge drinking problem as I've stated on this thread!!) . . . I thought I wouldn't need my Pearl Jam so much if I gave up drinking, i.e. because I wouldn't be trying to comfort myself after terrible hangovers etc. But I need them more than ever . . . even though I'm happy at the moment, I still need my PJ more than ever!
I think we will always need them yes? Even when we're like 80 and the boys are in they're nineties we will all still need our Pearl Jam!!!! I can see us in nursing homes, watching 'Immagine in Cornice' and listening to bootlegs. I bet a few of us will even have a framed picture of EV next to our beds, and the nurses will be like 'who's this handsome man?' and rather than explain, we will just say 'he was the love of my life'
Just before I was going to go to bed last night, I saw that Eddie's episode of Iconoclasts was on tv...ahhh, I thought I'd only watch a few minutes of it, but I watched it until the end. I couldn't walk away from the screen, was too captivated by watching Eddie on the paddle-board, stretching on the beach, etc. :corn:
At the end of Iconoclasts, you'll remember that Eddie saw a double circle rainbow in the helicopter. Well when I was driving home from work today I saw my very own double rainbow. So I had another Eddie moment , also had PJ playing on my car stereo too.
PJ: Sydney, 11th February 2003 ♥ Sydney, 26th January 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 20th March 2011 ♥ EV: Perth, 7th February 2014 ♥ EV: Perth, 8th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 11th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 12th February 2014 ♥ EV: Sydney, 13th February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 22nd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 23rd February 2014 ♥ EV: Brisbane, 25th February 2014 ♥
Just before I was going to go to bed last night, I saw that Eddie's episode of Iconoclasts was on tv...ahhh, I thought I'd only watch a few minutes of it, but I watched it until the end. I couldn't walk away from the screen, was too captivated by watching Eddie on the paddle-board, stretching on the beach, etc. :corn:
At the end of Iconoclasts, you'll remember that Eddie saw a double circle rainbow in the helicopter. Well when I was driving home from work today I saw my very own double rainbow. So I had another Eddie moment , also had PJ playing on my car stereo too.
I LOVE coincidences like that Emma. I wonder what it was trying to tell you????? Pearl Jam coincidences are THE BEST. They make you sit up and take notice!! . . . It's like the universe is trying to tell you something using the thing you love the most. Double rainbow. Stunning. You must be doing something right!
I had a moment where the universe used Eddie to help make me make the right choice. I was having a huge fight with my oldest best friend last September (we've been besties since she moved into the house next door. I was 4 she was 3). Anyway, we've always had a close but somewhat volatile friendship, and she's done a few things to hurt me over the years . . . but I adore her. She's part of me.So anyway last September I was sooooo fucking angry with her, and over her, and considering just withdrawing from the friendship and 'giving up' on her . . . and I was in a fury and leaving the house one day, when a song started playing on my phone in my handbag. Without me touching it, my phone had somehow started playing a youtube clip of Eddie and Natalie Maines singing 'Golden State', so I was like that's fucking weird and I listened to the lyrics, which were like 'we are tangled, we are stolen' etc and 'you're the feeling I get when you walk away'.
And yah, I know it's a song about romantic/obsessive/volatile love, but at the time it applied to my friendship, and it made me realise that my bestie and I were just a bit tangled, but that walking away would break her heart (and mine too). And so I called her and we sorted stuff out. So the universe used my hero, someone whose opinion I would always respect, to help me calm down and repair a friendship! Which I thought was pretty fucking cool.
Pearl Jam coincidences are awesome. And that one sounds lovely Emma!!! Does anyone else have any?
Speaking of Pearl Jam coincidences!!! Just had one this morning!
As you all know thanks to me.. My younger sister whom I live
with is going through a nasty divorce.. Her soon to be Ex has started
leaving these nasty phone messages on her phone. So we reported him
To the Base Officer here on Ft. Carson, where he'd been
stationed. They are now investigating him, watching his every
Move, noting it and reporting it to my suater's Lawyer. So he shows
up in court this morning.. He looks all haggard and trashed.. He's hopped
up on pain meds and other pharmaceuticals, to the point that the judge
won't even let him sign mediation papers! So he starts yelling and throwing
this fit, telling everyone we're ( our family ) preventing him
From having what is rightfully HIS!! Like my sister and her children
are hisPROPERTY!! So I'm sitting in the row listening to PJ trying not
to jump over the rail and kill him! Well Glorified G was playing. And right
as my brother shakes his head and tells my dad, it's ok, I got a gun, in fact I have
two... I couldn't resist, I sang out loud.. That's ok man cause I love God!!!
My siblings and I alllllll busted up laughing, and my Dad and the judge were
LIVID!!! They made my brother and I leave the courtroom!!
Needless to say my Brother in Law has ONE more shot to come to
Court sober and coherent, or Julia gets everything!! Let's hope he continues
To be a dumbass!!
Does anyone know how to upload a photo on here from photobucket with an iPhone? I have so many great pics on my phone I'd love to share but I'm hardly ever at my computer!! I can't figure it out.... :x
Does anyone know how to upload a photo on here from photobucket with an iPhone? I have so many great pics on my phone I'd love to share but I'm hardly ever at my computer!! I can't figure it out.... :x
Well..... It used to be easy! Now it can't be done!
Photobucket upgraded their app and now we can't choose an upload
Size! As soon as Ican figure it out I'll let you know!
Ok.. This sucks ! No more uploading pics on here for me!!
I have to do all my shit off of my iPhone, and I just looked
At the upgrade info for the photobucket app!! You now have
pay to upgrade! Bullshit!!
And for sure I'd hang out with you...if I ever go back to Melbourne
Thanks whispering hands
Here is the link for voting:
And what you need to do is:
1. Click on the grey vote button.
2. Click on the green vote button (you might have to type in the text that is in the box...can't think of what they are called, but it is to stop fraudulent voting, before it lets you click on the green vote button.)
You can vote once per day
Thank you everyone!
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
He's definitely hot...cute man with a cute dog
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
6/19/95 Red Rocks
9/11/98 MSG
11/19/12 EV solo Tulsa
7/19/13 Wrigley 10/19/13 Brooklyn 2 10/21/13 Philly 1 10/22/13 Philly 2 10/25/13 Hartford
10/08/14 Tulsa 10/09/14 Lincoln
9/26/15 NYC Global Citizen
4/16/16 Greenville 4/28/16 Philly 1 4/29/16 Philly 2 5/1/16 MSG 1 5/2/16 MSG 2 8/7/16 Fenway 2 8/20/16 Wrigley 1
4/7/17 RRHOF New York City
9/2/18 Fenway 1 9/4/2018 Fenway 2
9/18/21 Asbury Park
2/4/22 EV Earthlings NYC 2/6/22 EV Earthlings Newark 9/11/22 MSG 9/14/22 Camden
9/3/24 MSG 1 9/4/24 MSG 2 9/7/24 Philly 1 9/9/24 Philly 2
Yep yep yep, red is a good colour for him also.
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
And.... ACTION!!
What did Matt in the first pic? Did he try to touch his own nose with the tounge? So sweet!
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
He say: "Hey Ladies! I wish you all a nice weekend!"
Okay, probably...
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
These kind of strong power...makes me always speechless. :shock:
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
Did it now! And i will repaet it every day!
Good luck, Emma!!! :-D :wave:
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
Also, thank you for voting
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
Large: ... 1_1280.jpg
Large: ... o1_500.png
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
This is so beautiful, Hedwich! Love when Eddie wears blue-suits him SO well!!
I agree with you with my whole heart! He look so good in blue!!!
Berlin: 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2x 2012
Düsseldorf: 2007
Amsterdam 1+2, Milano, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm 2014
Pearl Jam exhibition in Rome 2013
Eddie rocks my life!!!
And thanks to everyone for all of your beautiful reponses to my latest rant. YOU ARE ALL THE BEST AND I TOTALLY APPRECIATE YOU GUYS!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!
And this last gif, STOP IT! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL! Don't you all just walk around thinking 'Fuck I love him!!! I love him so much!'. And it makes your heart smile? And of course I think that about Mr Adorable Mikey too. The thought of both of them makes me so happy! (And the rest of the band too of course, but especially EV and MM).
I thought once I gave up drinking (gave up three months ago for a hiatus, just to try and manage my terrible IBS, try and get pregs and also because I've got a pretty serious binge drinking problem as I've stated on this thread!!) . . . I thought I wouldn't need my Pearl Jam so much if I gave up drinking, i.e. because I wouldn't be trying to comfort myself after terrible hangovers etc. But I need them more than ever . . . even though I'm happy at the moment, I still need my PJ more than ever!
I think we will always need them yes? Even when we're like 80 and the boys are in they're nineties we will all still need our Pearl Jam!!!! I can see us in nursing homes, watching 'Immagine in Cornice' and listening to bootlegs. I bet a few of us will even have a framed picture of EV next to our beds, and the nurses will be like 'who's this handsome man?' and rather than explain, we will just say 'he was the love of my life'
Just before I was going to go to bed last night, I saw that Eddie's episode of Iconoclasts was on tv...ahhh, I thought I'd only watch a few minutes of it, but I watched it until the end. I couldn't walk away from the screen, was too captivated by watching Eddie on the paddle-board, stretching on the beach, etc.
At the end of Iconoclasts, you'll remember that Eddie saw a double circle rainbow in the helicopter. Well when I was driving home from work today I saw my very own double rainbow. So I had another Eddie moment
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
I LOVE coincidences like that Emma. I wonder what it was trying to tell you????? Pearl Jam coincidences are THE BEST. They make you sit up and take notice!! . . . It's like the universe is trying to tell you something using the thing you love the most. Double rainbow. Stunning. You must be doing something right!
I had a moment where the universe used Eddie to help make me make the right choice. I was having a huge fight with my oldest best friend last September (we've been besties since she moved into the house next door. I was 4 she was 3). Anyway, we've always had a close but somewhat volatile friendship, and she's done a few things to hurt me over the years . . . but I adore her. She's part of me.So anyway last September I was sooooo fucking angry with her, and over her, and considering just withdrawing from the friendship and 'giving up' on her . . . and I was in a fury and leaving the house one day, when a song started playing on my phone in my handbag. Without me touching it, my phone had somehow started playing a youtube clip of Eddie and Natalie Maines singing 'Golden State', so I was like that's fucking weird and I listened to the lyrics, which were like 'we are tangled, we are stolen' etc and 'you're the feeling I get when you walk away'.
And yah, I know it's a song about romantic/obsessive/volatile love, but at the time it applied to my friendship, and it made me realise that my bestie and I were just a bit tangled, but that walking away would break her heart (and mine too). And so I called her and we sorted stuff out. So the universe used my hero, someone whose opinion I would always respect, to help me calm down and repair a friendship! Which I thought was pretty fucking cool.
Pearl Jam coincidences are awesome. And that one sounds lovely Emma!!! Does anyone else have any?
Isn't this photo gorgeous?! I'd never seen it before
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
I thought you would
Eddie Vedder Tribute Videos - Playlist
The EDvolution of Dance:
As you all know thanks to me.. My younger sister whom I live
with is going through a nasty divorce.. Her soon to be Ex has started
leaving these nasty phone messages on her phone. So we reported him
To the Base Officer here on Ft. Carson, where he'd been
stationed. They are now investigating him, watching his every
Move, noting it and reporting it to my suater's Lawyer. So he shows
up in court this morning.. He looks all haggard and trashed.. He's hopped
up on pain meds and other pharmaceuticals, to the point that the judge
won't even let him sign mediation papers! So he starts yelling and throwing
this fit, telling everyone we're ( our family ) preventing him
From having what is rightfully HIS!! Like my sister and her children
are hisPROPERTY!! So I'm sitting in the row listening to PJ trying not
to jump over the rail and kill him! Well Glorified G was playing. And right
as my brother shakes his head and tells my dad, it's ok, I got a gun, in fact I have
two... I couldn't resist, I sang out loud.. That's ok man cause I love God!!!
My siblings and I alllllll busted up laughing, and my Dad and the judge were
LIVID!!! They made my brother and I leave the courtroom!!
Needless to say my Brother in Law has ONE more shot to come to
Court sober and coherent, or Julia gets everything!! Let's hope he continues
To be a dumbass!!
Photobucket upgraded their app and now we can't choose an upload
Size! As soon as Ican figure it out I'll let you know!
I have to do all my shit off of my iPhone, and I just looked
At the upgrade info for the photobucket app!! You now have
pay to upgrade! Bullshit!!