It would be impolite to make any disapproving comments about a band member's family being in any photos but I know that no one here would do that because it could get the thread closed down.
I was looking through some of the photos in here, and it's really nice to see pictures of someone with such an expressive face.
often I think the same when I search for them,
some action shots and then some with a look...
its really a talent to look at a camera that way...
with emotion and thought that is received and perceived by the person viewing.
When I was looking for the pics for my card I found a lovely Ed Ved gallery which you guys would like - but the pics were too big for here ... ure-1.html
When it got to the end of Ed Ved it spun on to a certain Denise Milani -
My heterosexuality was immediately restored! Think I might start a thread - pics where Denise Milani looks hot. eeek
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would it be surprising if i told you I'd already been on that site ? :oops:
and drooled over the pictures?
still another browse through can't hurt
Nothing bad about the really happy married husband and beloved father he sure and truly is and deserves to be
yeah I'm happy for him
Happy he's happy I guess
But, in the words of Lisa,
Keep holding out..... for wife number 3
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I also am looking for wife number 3
Send my credentials to the house of detention
tremors contributions to this thread are the only reasons as to why i love or tolerate him
(joking i loved your poetry first, your stache of ed pics came second
might be able to add some eye candy (ew can't believe i just typed that
to this thread later
but now for a shower, maybe something nice for when i come back ?
hint hint - tremors, Lisa
I'm off to something bigger ... A BATH
I'm only joking
'Oh, she was posting in the 'Pics where Eddie Vedder looks hot' thread
ps - I'm glad you tolerate me and haven't kicked me out (yet)
Send my credentials to the house of detention
“If he doesn’t treat you like a princess, then he doesn’t deserve to be your prince.” — Unknown
“And we’ll move on and go our separate ways. Just know, I’ll miss you everyday, but things just aren’t the same.” — Unknown
how about his sassy blonde days?
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Love it
* * *
Oooh, thanks for this one, Pandora!!
(And thank you, Kat, for a warning and not just locking this thread! I don't know how I'd start my day without it.
some action shots and then some with a look...
its really a talent to look at a camera that way...
with emotion and thought that is received and perceived by the person viewing.
Thanks, pandora - these are wonderful
And mine probably - sorry. Message received and understood.
Send my credentials to the house of detention
do not mean any offense, thanks for the warning first Kat.
Im sure this is in my Kelly book...
Love the pic
Love black and white pics too