2nd marriage

they sat on a floral couch
side by side each to their own
his demeanor reflected in his lack of colour
the surprsie on her face belies the inevitability of her actions
they clutched each ohers hand
his left in her right
he veil is thrown back from her face
dark glasses hide his
red flowers lie wilting on the table
and she hopes tis not a sign
quietly they sat as if part of an exhibition
they both laughed at the same realising
theyve come to the same conclusion
and that they are two lives now one
on display
side by side each to their own
his demeanor reflected in his lack of colour
the surprsie on her face belies the inevitability of her actions
they clutched each ohers hand
his left in her right
he veil is thrown back from her face
dark glasses hide his
red flowers lie wilting on the table
and she hopes tis not a sign
quietly they sat as if part of an exhibition
they both laughed at the same realising
theyve come to the same conclusion
and that they are two lives now one
on display
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say