
from deep within her cave she sits and stares out into the light. she knows they are out there. she can hear them. shouting and screaming and running amok. she likes the dark. it is cool. and no one knows that she is here. when they sleep. that is when she comes out. the darkness is her ally. she wanders through their gardens. picking flowers and planting weeds. they will never know she has been there. sometimes a child will awake and spy out their window. they see her but they never tell. they know better. she will not betray them and they will not betray her secret. she is their secret and she will take it to her grave. in the night hours she sheds her skin to feel the breeze against her body. it keeps her awake. she hears the babies cry. and the wolves howl and she feels like she is home. they do not know where home is. to them it is the four walled cells they build around themselves. this is how they define themselves. it is not them. she knows this. the children know this. but they are being corrupted. slowly they turn away from her. she doesn't mind. not really. there are too many children for her to be concerned over losing some. it is only right they heed their parents. their protectors. their captors. she will bide her time and wait for them on the other side. it is only the strong she is interested in. only the strong will make it through. only the strong will breed and be almighty.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say