
Here it comes again
Riddled rinds
Wet sinewy bursting combustible flavors
Engorging my mind’s taste buds
Rolling my tongue against itself
Entwined in summer melodies
fresh snapped garden beans
reeking of black glacial soil
mimicking the rapid time
of city strewn harried currents
effervescent frost inside a lazy tomato
ripening in the inferno of summer heat
Pleading to be set free
So she can
Burst into the lusting mouth
Of her lanky soft tender grower
Whereof in that moment he greedily inhales
Her sunridden savory essence
Satisfied he sinks under a
Sturdy Oak
While she cascades so easily
Dripping down his satisfied full red lips
Here it comes again
Riddled rinds
Wet sinewy bursting combustible flavors
Engorging my mind’s taste buds
Rolling my tongue against itself
Entwined in summer melodies
fresh snapped garden beans
reeking of black glacial soil
mimicking the rapid time
of city strewn harried currents
effervescent frost inside a lazy tomato
ripening in the inferno of summer heat
Pleading to be set free
So she can
Burst into the lusting mouth
Of her lanky soft tender grower
Whereof in that moment he greedily inhales
Her sunridden savory essence
Satisfied he sinks under a
Sturdy Oak
While she cascades so easily
Dripping down his satisfied full red lips
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to eachother." Mother Theresa