im free from hate and distrust, free form the angst which built up inside me, driving me insane but you already knew that. the asylum drives me crazier...untortured patterns of color meant to calm and cool but all it does is breed the insanity more and more until it fills this room. it truely is the inmates running the asylum i have seen the inside, i have been to that dimention of the persona, schedules and tasks run your day, pictures are taken off walls and screens cover the windows. I can't say i felt safe, I cant say i felt safe i cant say i was scared. but when the schedule changed i was confused....sleep did not come easy, sheep did not help only the pills they made me take and the blood they took from me made me go....souding off was the thunder in my brain, what ya hit me, what ya hit me for? in the past id recognize your face but today i dont even know my own, im lost i cant seem to find my way home, maybe in a year and a half when the law no longer forbids my freedom. when i can finally open my eyes above the water which currently drowns all hope.
"You think I got my eyes closed but I'm starring at you the whole fuckin' time." E.V.
It has almost been a year
since I lost my best friend.
In another time we loved at the altar of our heroes.
Now it has almost been a year since his parting
but I swear I can still see the dead dancing on scenic overlooks .
It's a grave that I cannot visit, touch, see, or whisper to.
It's a shame the other half got to him and cut him...cut him out.
Broken mirrors bled him free and bandaged him captured.
Wishes were choked black by reality
and reason was thrown to the bedside.
No matter how close the door it was never in reach.
No matter how we tried broken fingers could not turn back
what the hand had done, what the eyes had seen, or what the bones had incurred.
Only one witness,
the heart's false prophet,
still becomes stirred at the sound of their heroes
with sacred, silent, testimony
and suddenly…
he lives.
Singing so loud I loose the sense of shame, time, and place.
Painting till the sense of knowing flows over me like a warm bath.
Kung Fu
Pounding veins lead drum beats of passion and will.
Acknowledging the ignored until something is recognized in each other.
Defying all logic of justice by rejecting revenge and embracing the peace with in.
Singing so loud I loose the sense of shame, time, and place.
Painting till the sense of knowing flows over me like a warm bath.
Kung Fu
Pounding veins lead drum beats of passion and will.
Acknowledging the ignored until something is recognized in each other.
Defying all logic of justice by rejecting revenge and embracing the peace with in.
I like this one, especially the last line--it's beautiful!
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
since I lost my best friend.
In another time we loved at the altar of our heroes.
Now it has almost been a year since his parting
but I swear I can still see the dead dancing on scenic overlooks .
It's a grave that I cannot visit, touch, see, or whisper to.
It's a shame the other half got to him and cut him...cut him out.
Broken mirrors bled him free and bandaged him captured.
Wishes were choked black by reality
and reason was thrown to the bedside.
No matter how close the door it was never in reach.
No matter how we tried broken fingers could not turn back
what the hand had done, what the eyes had seen, or what the bones had incurred.
Only one witness,
the heart's false prophet,
still becomes stirred at the sound of their heroes
with sacred, silent, testimony
and suddenly…
he lives.
Sunflowers on the side of the road
Ice cream
Me and you.
Telling the concert you love this girl
Wet clothes
Long drives
A Hotel room
Confessions over dinner in Baltimore
Long Showers
On the floor
Laughter and Shampoo
Cooking together in May
Garage talks
Summer skies
Telling the truth
Our heroes in the car
Crazy Matty
Norah Jones
Painter song
Finger tips on your neck
Late night concert and you came home
Signed gift
Silk nightgown
Kisses and commitment
Drunken sex
Half time
You know the rest
I see planets
We would laugh
Phone calls
Just all of it really…but most of all…
The feeling it would all work out.
Beautifully observed, one of those "little things".
I like this.
Singing so loud I loose the sense of shame, time, and place.
Painting till the sense of knowing flows over me like a warm bath.
Kung Fu
Pounding veins lead drum beats of passion and will.
Acknowledging the ignored until something is recognized in each other.
Defying all logic of justice by rejecting revenge and embracing the peace with in.