current 2003/2004 songbook...

I am about 1/4 way thru a Revised Song Book with ALL songs and lyrics. It is Long and painfull work, but I SHALL SUCCEED!!! if anyone wants to give me advise or extra info, email me or PM me. just remember.. email me and leave some kinda subject as pearl jam. I get WAAAAYYYY to much porn emails so i dump most things so leave a subject line about PJ. i can send you a list of songs. i KNOW im missing one or 7. i just cant tell which ones. IT MAKES ME WACKO!!!!
thx yo. also, i will email ANYONE who wants one when im finished for FREE!!!! all for the love of PJ. or PM me. just remember.. email me and leave some kinda subject as pearl jam. I get WAAAAYYYY to much porn emails so i dump most things so leave a subject line about PJ. i can send you a list of songs. i KNOW im missing one or 7. i just cant tell which ones. IT MAKES ME WACKO!!!!
thx yo. also, i will email ANYONE who wants one when im finished for FREE!!!! all for the love of PJ.
My life quote: "Follow The Strangest Tribe"