scared to fuck you

give more of yourself, you have nothing to lose
all you do have left is right now,
and though it's all you think about, you cant have it back
and though you try,
you cant avoid feeling it for someone else
please stop being so shy, everyone
needs to be less self aware
try not mattering for a day
devote twentyfourhours to another one of your sences
turn off and exchange bodily fluids again,
with someone with glasses this time
a note becomes beautiful and dimly flashes bright
i hardly even noticed myself walking,
i was busy putting things right
all you do have left is right now,
and though it's all you think about, you cant have it back
and though you try,
you cant avoid feeling it for someone else
please stop being so shy, everyone
needs to be less self aware
try not mattering for a day
devote twentyfourhours to another one of your sences
turn off and exchange bodily fluids again,
with someone with glasses this time
a note becomes beautiful and dimly flashes bright
i hardly even noticed myself walking,
i was busy putting things right