....figured out CRUSE AND VNNE?

“gotta wrte that down nda thnng….”
(sorry the comma the and the eye on my eyboard are not worng. insert i, k or comma where you wish) O FNE SOMETMES THE WORS! GEEZ
* have fgured out the scentolgsts.
The rch and famous ones at least.
They fgure f you don’t spend a lot of money on your relatonshp wth God t wont be an enlightenng fest.
gotta pay when you get through the door ths ant no church O the Poor!
My eyes are WDE OPEN NOW.
(sorry the comma the and the eye on my eyboard are not worng. insert i, k or comma where you wish) O FNE SOMETMES THE WORS! GEEZ
* have fgured out the scentolgsts.
The rch and famous ones at least.
They fgure f you don’t spend a lot of money on your relatonshp wth God t wont be an enlightenng fest.
gotta pay when you get through the door ths ant no church O the Poor!
My eyes are WDE OPEN NOW.