You're thinking about flags?
Things with velcro?
Things that bleed?
Things that only a mother loves?
Things that get stuck in drains?
Things that sing?
Things that flex?
Things that emit methane?
the hole is filled
top layers smoothed
seed planted
new grass will grow
buried in the dirt
6 feet down
lying in wait
for the creatures
that come to dine
on clammy flesh
not caring
how nice the body
looks in death
rest well
Or...."I wonder who's gonna try and read my mind?"
let's stamp out and abolish reduh-dency!! of course, i am thinking of mr. ed.
what specifically is the question.
see i knew i could bring out the plastic in you darling.....
awww shit, there's that flag again.
ps. you aren't coming to get me and you know it!!
Things with velcro?
Things that bleed?
Things that only a mother loves?
Things that get stuck in drains?
Things that sing?
Things that flex?
Things that emit methane?
top layers smoothed
seed planted
new grass will grow
buried in the dirt
6 feet down
lying in wait
for the creatures
that come to dine
on clammy flesh
not caring
how nice the body
looks in death
rest well