Marketing Words for Pride and Profit

A savvy politician has no secrets
Says, "Damage control is tough business -
managing opinions,
keeping close watch over shoulders."
A savvy salesman claims no victims
Says, "They're objects in the game -
unaware, bending to your touch,
and never guessing you're to blame."
A savvy businessman keeps no records
Says, "It's simpler when no one remembers -
if you use the right words,
you can only screw things up for the better."
Says, "Damage control is tough business -
managing opinions,
keeping close watch over shoulders."
A savvy salesman claims no victims
Says, "They're objects in the game -
unaware, bending to your touch,
and never guessing you're to blame."
A savvy businessman keeps no records
Says, "It's simpler when no one remembers -
if you use the right words,
you can only screw things up for the better."
wind howls through our new haircuts
the water rushes 'round
heaven knows there's not one thing left to say
the water rushes 'round
heaven knows there's not one thing left to say