Part 2:

whats the matter preacher...
didn't like the teacher?
too bad... so sad... for you
looks like you bit off more than you can chew
better chew it up good... you still have to swallow
didn't you think that those little girls would follow
my lead... and get as much information as they can
while you're laying there... so smug... trying to tan
whats the matter preacher
you look like a creature
from the blackest lagoon...
you'll be drying up... looking like a prune
oh yeah, I've got my own video camera now
so go ahead... try and throw in "I disavow"
when you see your own face... and maybe your bare ass
and the little girl... that you talked out of class
or maybe you might hear... some recognizable sounds
maybe your own voice... don't let it bring you down
you done it to yourself... so its too late for crying
too late for that story... the one of you dying
all the little girls are on to you... they know you're not rich
just another story that you're trying to pitch
little girls will believe anything... when you promise them the moon
they giggle and laugh... for you... they swoon
how did you fool them... didn't they see
that a rich man like you should be able to buy himself some teeth
don't they see you pushing on your gums
trying to get rid of infection as it festers and runs
little girls are little girls... not grown ups... you see
they should be in school... try to graduate... maybe get a degree
and make money for you... and pay all your bills
don't forget some extra... so you can still have your pills
oh you look so dapper in your new Wal-Mart clothes
too bad that soon you won't need any of those
black and white is all you're gonna get
you might not even get another cigarette
what will it be like when another man treats YOU like a little girl?
will you dance and sing and maybe even twirl?
in your mind... will you still have thoughts of little girls being nude?
when some big mother fucker looks at you and decides that you're screwed
didn't like the teacher?
too bad... so sad... for you
looks like you bit off more than you can chew
better chew it up good... you still have to swallow
didn't you think that those little girls would follow
my lead... and get as much information as they can
while you're laying there... so smug... trying to tan
whats the matter preacher
you look like a creature
from the blackest lagoon...
you'll be drying up... looking like a prune
oh yeah, I've got my own video camera now
so go ahead... try and throw in "I disavow"
when you see your own face... and maybe your bare ass
and the little girl... that you talked out of class
or maybe you might hear... some recognizable sounds
maybe your own voice... don't let it bring you down
you done it to yourself... so its too late for crying
too late for that story... the one of you dying
all the little girls are on to you... they know you're not rich
just another story that you're trying to pitch
little girls will believe anything... when you promise them the moon
they giggle and laugh... for you... they swoon
how did you fool them... didn't they see
that a rich man like you should be able to buy himself some teeth
don't they see you pushing on your gums
trying to get rid of infection as it festers and runs
little girls are little girls... not grown ups... you see
they should be in school... try to graduate... maybe get a degree
and make money for you... and pay all your bills
don't forget some extra... so you can still have your pills
oh you look so dapper in your new Wal-Mart clothes
too bad that soon you won't need any of those
black and white is all you're gonna get
you might not even get another cigarette
what will it be like when another man treats YOU like a little girl?
will you dance and sing and maybe even twirl?
in your mind... will you still have thoughts of little girls being nude?
when some big mother fucker looks at you and decides that you're screwed
Post edited by Unknown User on
get over it grow up what I do is what it will be,
I don't care what you think,
Glad your gone bye bye wink wink,
If you see me and don't like what I wear,
look away cause really I don't care,
you know now I've figured you out,
your lies is all your about,
got a camera keep it close,
your the porn star read your pass post,
I need no money or not to be rich,
thank god I finally got rid of the bitch,
everyday keeps getting better,
not seeing you love is only deader,
never knew what others where trying to school,
finally looking back I can see I was a fool,
to believe in you and bought everthing you say,
foolish was I to this very day,
not anymore will you be my concern,
go fuck your friend and let them take turn,
I can see when I look in your eyes,
right through you and your stupid lies!!
But then one day out of the blue it didn't bother me anymore. Its been 12 fucking years since I've attempted to feel anything for anyone other than you. So I'm going to go at it slow, I'm not going to get burned again. I guess I finally realized that it only took you to get me over our realationship. I also know you can say anything you want about me, how mean I was, how I cheated, how I was never there for you. I don't have to prove anything to anyone because you know the truth and thats enough for me. Try to convince the world that I was rotten or do you have to convince yourself. It doesn't matter anymore because I could care less. I don't know what you get out of threatening me all the time. Do something about it or move the fuck on. Write all you want about the sex you've had with others and your new man you've got, it won't bother me. Make fun of me, laugh at me, throw stones at me, I'm numb now it doesn't hurt anymore. I've heard all of this before when we first met. How your ex cheated, like little girls, beat you. Why don't you get real we're all starting to see through you. I don't wish you a bad life, but I do wish you would get with your new lover and forget me. I'm happy with myself and you will never change that again. This is what you always screamed you wanted when you where mad at me, was for me to be out of your life so others could enter. I guess dreams come true, Congradulations!