where the wind goes.

ExodusExodus Posts: 212
edited February 2004 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
stood on a hill,
watch the birds fly by.
watched the sun drown in the midight sky
as the moon soared over and forced dreams upon me.

the night was calm
and i was alone.
thinking things that no one knows
and staring into the void

i saw something.
something no man should see.
my life and everything it was,
all drawn out in a strip of light.

the most beautiful thing
i've ever seen, and it made me so scared
i couldn't breathe... i kept looking, though.
that strip of nowhere, when the water meets the sky.

the stars were bright,
and set the lake on fire.
as if the sun was blue and deep
and cold enough to chill your soul.

the lake was still
with anticipation of spring
and the frozen greeting
of a sunset's glow

maybe i'll go back there,
when the waves break free
and my dreams have gone.
when the sun rises again.
Between the conception and the creation

Between the emotion and the response

Falls the shadow.
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