Rx to wait

For fear of moving
Too quickly too far,
I hesitate the call
To see how you are.
But rest assured that I'm
Thinking of you.
And I'd venture to say
That you feel this way, too.
You told me your ills,
The pains in your head.
I wanted so badly
To kneel by your bed.
Cure you of illness,
Help make you whole,
Soothe all your aches,
And nurture your soul.
But I'll pump the brakes
And slow down the haste;
Let happen what may-
Just savor your taste.
Too quickly too far,
I hesitate the call
To see how you are.
But rest assured that I'm
Thinking of you.
And I'd venture to say
That you feel this way, too.
You told me your ills,
The pains in your head.
I wanted so badly
To kneel by your bed.
Cure you of illness,
Help make you whole,
Soothe all your aches,
And nurture your soul.
But I'll pump the brakes
And slow down the haste;
Let happen what may-
Just savor your taste.
'Give me some music; music, moody food/ of us that trade in love'