Jeff & Stone dont make eye contact or anything else with fans during the shows. I think this has a lot to do with why they arent noticed.
True but not true? They do when they want to..
Ohhh and hello? this tour? the LOVE for the two master pimps from the Stonies Ponies/Stones Bitches/ and the Jeff fans? Even S & J cannot deny the love we have for these guys.
**Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
i'll try and put more stuff up later.
I hope Kaddi gets to see these!
HOOOORAY!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I typed this in one of the reviews, but HELLo? this tour? Im SO stoked everyone was finally able to meet the band! YEAH! Those are AWEOME pictures!!! *giggles*
I have a few aces in the hole <items/photos/etc> but they are not for posting on this board *devil smilie* :eek: (If you need verification of some stuff - PM Lydia! she saw some of my shit with her OWN eyes!!!She hasnt seen the latest additions..) I LOVE how he looks AT you when speaking.. fuck his eyes are SO fucking AWESOME! Damn! *melts* Smooth ass pimp = Jeff
**Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
When it involves pictures of Jeff how can I not? LOL. . .
Still can't get over the enery... (((yoga)))
Damn.... now this song is stuck in my head (thanks Keith!) -
Hit it! I wanna rock right now, I love raw bass and I came to get down. . . :eek:
Cuz I'm BOSSY! Im the chick you LOVE to hate.. <--OC!
heheh seriously.. I laugh whenever I throw one (or 2) up there just cuz they are so off the wall!! I have a few more.. wait i better not "post" (is that really posting? I dont know what thats called-i hate the picture limitations!) *frankie! Me gusta! I LIKE THAT* Ill email a few ace in the hole pix just in case FINE FINE FINE. (the music, the vibe and the man!) Ok fo'realz - I've yelled at my sister daily.. WHY DIDNT YOU ASK BONO FOR A HOOKUP!? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!! <insert her small comment here> BWHAHAH! Seriously.. Why does E HAND me shit? :eek: people do NOT believe that shit! Lies get you nowhere.. Oh wait.. *thinks of a line..* they can but ya know..not worth it for the karma..
Keeef! hes so crazy! Crackin my shit up! his text messages! (you are at 80%!) omg i saw a STACY Q video on vh1 classic the other morning and LAUGHED so loudly! HAHAH! He totally forgot about STEVIE B! BWHAHAH!
hey I saw some dude at the AIC show in jersey with a PJ shirt on (the black one with the surfthingy logo on the back and I tapped him like HEYYY!!! *pointed to my green shirt*) anyway if you were that guy *waves* HELLO!
**Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
So a very special friend of mine spoke to Jeff yesterday (which incredibly is not rare for him at all since they live in the same town) and he told him he was friends with the girl who had the yellow signs at the west coast shows and made extra ones for San Fran and i get this lovely email when i wake up.
i still have a smile from just thinking about it and i thought this would be the only place where people would understand.
heres the email word for word....
"hey jas,
remember me? i thought so.
i just wanted to let you know that i spoke with jeff today and i mentioned you from the sanfran shows. he says hello and that he thought those were three of the best shows on the tour. anyway, i was hoping to brighten your day with that. i should see him again before they leave for europe so i will try to chat with him again"
You that should make all of you at the San Fran Shows feel lucky that they attended the three best shows on the tour ACCORDING TO JEFF
Its so cool when you are friends with bands! "Im on the list" AHH! Bwhahahah! :eek: They totally get the funny/entertainment stuff that we do but yet they know we wouldnt be there if they or their music sucked! hahahahah! :eek: <-- HAHAH!
I had a conversation with someone about being friends with famous people/bands or famous folks relatives. Bwhahah! In SF "omg thats my cousin on ESPN! :eek: " omg.. I totally have to do a drive by post on someones page..
**Get outa my way, just step aside, or pay the price ~ AC/DC**
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
It was an awesome clip I watched it heaps it was once on the news section here... I searched youtube couldnt find it there....anyone know any other sites like youtube??
It was an awesome clip I watched it heaps it was once on the news section here... I searched youtube couldnt find it there....anyone know any other sites like youtube??
try google video or maybe yahoo video. Ive seen it before on a montage from the SA shows... damn it!
walking through dublin today i saw jeff taking mikes photo at a dublin landmark an i went over and said hi to them, we talked for like 5-10 mins about the dublin show and stuff and they signed my "pearl jam" cd for me.....
jeff asked me if there was a skate shop around and i said there was one just up the road and i showed them to it I WALKED WITH JEFF AMENT AND MIKE....
a couple of other poeple met them too look in the "the dublin spire is a colossal waste of money" thread in given to fly.
that is so freaking amazing! that's such a great story. you have to post a picture of what they signed for you, it seems like you spent some real QUALITY time with them. You should have seen what Jeff bought at the skate shop. Maybe he'll be sporting new shoes for the European tour!
even though this is a jeff thread i gotta say i prefer what mike said
"to ronan
Rock and Ronan
Mike McCready"
he said rock and ronan!!!!!
p.s ronan is my name
ok officially, you have made my day.
that freaking rules!
I love how Jeff signed it just for you too... such a nice signature.
Im so happy for you
report full details after the Dublin show!!!
well i'm glad i made your made my fucking YEAR!!! and now seeing them tomorrow i'm gonna stand by the jeff/mike side in the hope that they will see me (unlikely but ya never know)...anyway i'm off to bed
well i'm glad i made your made my fucking YEAR!!! and now seeing them tomorrow i'm gonna stand by the jeff/mike side in the hope that they will see me (unlikely but ya never know)...anyway i'm off to bed
TRUST ME, Mike and Jeff will see you.
They are the ones that have the best memories as far as fans go.
Have a great time!!! And check out if Jeff's shoes are different, i bet you if they are he got some new ones at that skate shop!
Thats such a cool story...
I wanna skate with Jeff...
Hey do u normally carry a cd with ya??
Im surprised Mike didnt write
I wanna rock n ronan all night
and part of every day...
Im sure if I ever came across any of the Band
I would look so stupid....I know I would stuff it up
trying to be cool in front of them......:P
Doubt it would ever happen, so doesnt matter....
Thats such a cool story...
I wanna skate with Jeff...
Hey do u normally carry a cd with ya??
Im surprised Mike didnt write
I wanna rock n ronan all night
and part of every day...
Im sure if I ever came across any of the Band
I would look so stupid....I know I would stuff it up
trying to be cool in front of them......:P
Doubt it would ever happen, so doesnt matter....
The cd has been in my bag for like 2 weeks i kept on telling myself to take in out cause its the 10c copy and i could get damaged but i never did.....and i had a cd labeling pen in my bag too, the perfect pen for them to sign my was like fate or something!!!!
do you wanna hear how stupid i was? ok i'm in the presence of 2 of my idiols and what do i do? talk about how much i love Matt Cameron!! how stupid am i?!?!? i was going on about wellwater conspiracy and stuff and didn't once mention how much the rockfords are deadly as too are 3 fish
The cd has been in my bag for like 2 weeks i kept on telling myself to take in out cause its the 10c copy and i could get damaged but i never did.....and i had a cd labeling pen in my bag too, the perfect pen for them to sign my was like fate or something!!!!
do you wanna hear how stupid i was? ok i'm in the presence of 2 of my idiols and what do i do? talk about how much i love Matt Cameron!! how stupid am i?!?!? i was going on about wellwater conspiracy and stuff and didn't once mention how much the rockfords are deadly as too are 3 fish
Its ok they would understand why u were talking about matt when u idolise them.....u are Irish....its all good...
Oh yeah my great great grandparents were Irish...:)
The cd has been in my bag for like 2 weeks i kept on telling myself to take in out cause its the 10c copy and i could get damaged but i never did.....and i had a cd labeling pen in my bag too, the perfect pen for them to sign my was like fate or something!!!!
do you wanna hear how stupid i was? ok i'm in the presence of 2 of my idiols and what do i do? talk about how much i love Matt Cameron!! how stupid am i?!?!? i was going on about wellwater conspiracy and stuff and didn't once mention how much the rockfords are deadly as too are 3 fish
Don't worry, I did the same thing when I got to meet Jeff. I was so star struck for the first minute, I blurted out that I loved Eddie Vedder. Yeah, Idiot, I am!! But I regained composure, thank God, and acted like a normal person (although I think he branded me, for sure. :( )
Congrats on the chance meeting though, you must be thrilled!!
i still havent seen any pictures of his shoes from the European tour.
im dying to see what he bought from that skate shop. in honor of Kaddikat's birthday i will bump this up with one of my favorite videos we took in San Fran so she has something nice too see when she visits the board.
Looking forward to seeing more!!
Thank you for THAT!! Loved it!
When it involves pictures of Jeff how can I not? LOL. . .
Still can't get over the enery... (((yoga)))
Damn.... now this song is stuck in my head (thanks Keith!) -
Hit it! I wanna rock right now, I love raw bass and I came to get down. . . :eek:
True but not true? They do when they want to..
Ohhh and hello? this tour? the LOVE for the two master pimps from the Stonies Ponies/Stones Bitches/ and the Jeff fans? Even S & J cannot deny the love we have for these guys.
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
HOOOORAY!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I typed this in one of the reviews, but HELLo? this tour? Im SO stoked everyone was finally able to meet the band! YEAH! Those are AWEOME pictures!!! *giggles*
I have a few aces in the hole
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
Cuz I'm BOSSY! Im the chick you LOVE to hate..
heheh seriously.. I laugh whenever I throw one (or 2) up there just cuz they are so off the wall!! I have a few more.. wait i better not "post" (is that really posting? I dont know what thats called-i hate the picture limitations!) *frankie! Me gusta! I LIKE THAT* Ill email a few ace in the hole pix just in case
Keeef! hes so crazy! Crackin my shit up! his text messages! (you are at 80%!) omg i saw a STACY Q video on vh1 classic the other morning and LAUGHED so loudly! HAHAH! He totally forgot about STEVIE B! BWHAHAH!
hey I saw some dude at the AIC show in jersey with a PJ shirt on (the black one with the surfthingy logo on the back and I tapped him like HEYYY!!! *pointed to my green shirt*) anyway if you were that guy *waves* HELLO!
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
i still have a smile from just thinking about it and i thought this would be the only place where people would understand.
heres the email word for word....
"hey jas,
remember me? i thought so.
i just wanted to let you know that i spoke with jeff today and i mentioned you from the sanfran shows. he says hello and that he thought those were three of the best shows on the tour. anyway, i was hoping to brighten your day with that. i should see him again before they leave for europe so i will try to chat with him again"
You that should make all of you at the San Fran Shows feel lucky that they attended the three best shows on the tour ACCORDING TO JEFF
have i mentioned i love this thread!
J!! How awesome!!!
Seriously? I love it!! *memories* hehehaha!!
Its so cool when you are friends with bands! "Im on the list"
I had a conversation with someone about being friends with famous people/bands or famous folks relatives. Bwhahah! In SF "omg thats my cousin on ESPN! :eek: " omg.. I totally have to do a drive by post on someones page..
You make me feel uncalm and I think I like it - 311
"Jeff is just a badass all the way across the board" ~aNiMaL~
"Chill out Kaddikat"
It was an awesome clip I watched it heaps it was once on the news section here... I searched youtube couldnt find it there....anyone know any other sites like youtube??
try google video or maybe yahoo video. Ive seen it before on a montage from the SA shows... damn it!
(or yesterday dublin time)
Rony, you can't tease us like that. Tell us the whole story...
jeff asked me if there was a skate shop around and i said there was one just up the road and i showed them to it I WALKED WITH JEFF AMENT AND MIKE....
a couple of other poeple met them too look in the "the dublin spire is a colossal waste of money" thread in given to fly.
heres what jeff signed
btw it says dublin under jeff's name its kinda hard to read
and this is what mike signed
even though this is a jeff thread i gotta say i perfer what mike said
"to ronan
Rock and Ronan
Mike McCready"
he said rock and ronan!!!!!
p.s ronan is my name
ok officially, you have made my day.
that freaking rules!
I love how Jeff signed it just for you too... such a nice signature.
Im so happy for you
report full details after the Dublin show!!!
TRUST ME, Mike and Jeff will see you.
They are the ones that have the best memories as far as fans go.
Have a great time!!! And check out if Jeff's shoes are different, i bet you if they are he got some new ones at that skate shop!
I wanna skate with Jeff...
Hey do u normally carry a cd with ya??
Im surprised Mike didnt write
I wanna rock n ronan all night
and part of every day...
Im sure if I ever came across any of the Band
I would look so stupid....I know I would stuff it up
trying to be cool in front of them......:P
Doubt it would ever happen, so doesnt matter....
The cd has been in my bag for like 2 weeks i kept on telling myself to take in out cause its the 10c copy and i could get damaged but i never did.....and i had a cd labeling pen in my bag too, the perfect pen for them to sign my was like fate or something!!!!
do you wanna hear how stupid i was? ok i'm in the presence of 2 of my idiols and what do i do? talk about how much i love Matt Cameron!! how stupid am i?!?!? i was going on about wellwater conspiracy and stuff and didn't once mention how much the rockfords are deadly as too are 3 fish
Homer: No you won't!
Banner: Yes, I will!
Homer: Won't!
Its ok they would understand why u were talking about matt when u idolise them.....u are Irish....its all good...
Oh yeah my great great grandparents were Irish...:)
Don't worry, I did the same thing when I got to meet Jeff. I was so star struck for the first minute, I blurted out that I loved Eddie Vedder. Yeah, Idiot, I am!! But I regained composure, thank God, and acted like a normal person (although I think he branded me, for sure. :( )
Congrats on the chance meeting though, you must be thrilled!!
God Bless.....
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
im dying to see what he bought from that skate shop. in honor of Kaddikat's birthday i will bump this up with one of my favorite videos we took in San Fran so she has something nice too see when she visits the board.