A quote for the muse... and a poem for those without.

...men who "range from one end of the earth to the other, but the multiplicity of external objects, which they have encountered, forms no symmetrical and consistent picture upon their imaginations; they see the tapestry of human life, as it were, on the wrong side, and it tells no story." -Cardinal Newman.
"In The Open"
Rain slides through my hair and rests upon my brow.
Like tears they coat my face...
I stand now, no longer pressed to lay.
Summon the sun?
Raincoat likes crumpled, cunsumed in a lake of mud.
Reason understood as the rain further pours.
For too long has this raincoat been worn.
Sanctuary in the open.
"In The Open"
Rain slides through my hair and rests upon my brow.
Like tears they coat my face...
I stand now, no longer pressed to lay.
Summon the sun?
Raincoat likes crumpled, cunsumed in a lake of mud.
Reason understood as the rain further pours.
For too long has this raincoat been worn.
Sanctuary in the open.