
The poetry of her life
does not fill pages,
although maybe it should.
She was,
a simple woman.
A woman who
once had big dreams,
the kind of big dreams
that big cities,
and their bright lights
She gave too much
of herself,
a buffet,
pay one price
and take
as much as you want,
and they did.
Take and take and take,
and she
gave and gave and gave,
all she possibly could!
now the table
is looking sparse
and everyone's eyes
are averted
because although
they know it to be true,
they just can't face
the inevitable.
So afraid are they
for themselves,
that they can't even
look in
on an old friend.
does not fill pages,
although maybe it should.
She was,
a simple woman.
A woman who
once had big dreams,
the kind of big dreams
that big cities,
and their bright lights
She gave too much
of herself,
a buffet,
pay one price
and take
as much as you want,
and they did.
Take and take and take,
and she
gave and gave and gave,
all she possibly could!
now the table
is looking sparse
and everyone's eyes
are averted
because although
they know it to be true,
they just can't face
the inevitable.
So afraid are they
for themselves,
that they can't even
look in
on an old friend.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Post edited by Unknown User on
very good. this is what i liked the best
i feel like this woman sometimes
how sad, indeed?
Great work, BeingE
"Cause I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me
So I can say this is the way I use to be" -- John Mayer
What bothers me is that she is now in an hour of great need and some of these "friends" of hers can't even take a moment to call or drop by and see her, seeing as she's not mobile and has been staring at the same 4 walls for months on end. They can't even bloody well call??? It's terribly heart breaking to think that she can be so insignificant to them. :(
This woman should be celebrated for all the smiles and happiness she brought them...they should return the favour now especially because she really needs it most and yet, they don't. Knowing a few of them and actually, I work with the one who brought this particular poem to mind, makes me believe it is a fear of their own immortality that's keeping them from being there. I mean, this lady I work with is over 60 and still shops in the teeny bopper section and has the bleach blonde hair and goes for botox and had a boob job...she's just all about appearances and it's sickening. She knows where her "friend" is at and yet the phone is as silent as stone.
I'm someone who hates to lose touch with people. I know it's bound to happen but people that I really connect with, I like to know how they are and let them know I care. I can't imagine knowing someone for years and years and then shunning them because things got tough for them and it was hard for me to think about. The thought is sickening and even if you're afraid of the emotions the contact will conjure up, it's no excuse to not call someone. IMO, never, ever forget your friends!
So, again, thank you all for taking the time to read this one!
GAWD, I know!!!!!!!!!! I sit here sometimes and I just well right up after reading some of what people post. I hope nobody notices my tears or I scoot to the bathroom if I think they're going to gush out.
Just getting you back for making me cry at my desk over your offerings this morning, flow?!
ps. My shoulders are right here waiting for you, should you need them.
'cause we may not be the Young Ones,..."
--first u sow the seed-- nature grows the seed-- then we eat the seed--
I feel sorry for people like this. They must feel horrible all of the time.
I like to help people out when I can. It makes me feel good to see someone be happier because of me. BUt I hate it when people abuse this and just take and take with no thought of what it is doing to the person who is helping them. There is someone in my life like this right now and it is so draining on me and my partner. We try not to be involved with them anymore and try to no when what they ask of us is inconvient to us, but it is difficult. When they approach us it feels so bad not to help but also we just feel trapped in this situation.
Mystique420, WOW, thank you! So kind of you and I'll try to keep them trickling in.
twin2, like you, I often read other's poetry and think of someone I know. I'm glad you could connect it to someone and I hope your sweet Avon lady never has to endure anything like my special gal!!!
I'm with ya, pacifier! I like to help people out and make them smile too!
If I say "no" to someone or am firm with them, I end up over-analyzing and wondering if they're upset and often times I'm on the verge of apologizing or just doing what they want even though I know I shouldn't!
No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
After you know how to LIVE!
And I won't make the same mistakes
(Because I know)
Because I know how much time that wastes
(And function)
Function is the key
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies
Leaving is for the answering machine.