Prophet Profit

Being EnlightenedBeing Enlightened Posts: 5,746
He looks so sharp
in his ivory suit.
He sells an idea,
an idea that
all YOUR sins
can be wisked away
for just $49.95 (per month),
and a prayer a day.
YOU shall be absolved,
as he is God's vessel,
a channel to all
that is good and pure.
YOUR earthly savoir!
Every dollar he takes
goes towards saving
YOUR immortal soul!

The Pearly Gates
are just a phone call away!
Please call today!
Jesus love YOU!
Jesus saves!
(Mind slaves!)
Send your money God's way!
Turn from the Devil's play!
Listen to me!
Save YOUR soul before it's too late!
$49.95 (per month)
is such a small price to pay...


I've seen churches, great and small,
and I find that they're just walls.
Housing the "holy"
while the poor sleep on the street
and I'm the one
giving them something to eat...
Let me tell you something, people:
YOU, own YOUR sins!
Can't be bought.
Can't be sold.
YOURS, into the cold.
No God or representative thereof,
should need a chalise (a palace) of gold!

Forgive yourself.
Live in love, not fear.

Prophet Profit?
He's got no soul.
Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    Good read BE! You just put into words a great example of one who does not practice what they preach and are shallow, just wanting money, unfortunately some hide behind religious faith and actually hurt it and make it misunderstood. Just because you say you are doesn't mean you are. It is from the heart and is more about doing than saying. It is not about a "pony show" and lots of pretty words with no action. I read a wonderful book recently on Mother Theresa. She was a truly amazing person. She gave herself everyday to everyone else. It came from her heart. What a very unselfish person. A naturally giving nature like that is a gift. :)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you know how to LIVE!
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    Great poem, Being! So true!!
    Feels Good Inc.
  • BetterRadioBetterRadio Posts: 189
    very nice. i love the title.
    They're gonna tell you where to walk
    When to smile and just what to say
    They say have your own fun...

    Need vinyl, doggs.
  • twinS1! ;) Thanks! Ah, now Mother Theresa--there's a spiritual person I can believe in! I agree, she was a truly selfless person. :)

    I don't even want to use the name of the man who inspired this but, he's just like all the others out there like him---living it up on poor, misguided folks funds and blind faith. Man, no wonder they call "the leader" a sheppard, and his flock the sheep, eh? :D Some people can be so easily led (misled).

    Bu2, thank you kindly! :)

    BetterRadio, I'm so glad you said that. :) I was hoping it would be catchy. Thank you!
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
    BE, very good bell ringing true poem

    It reminds me of a Rolling Stones song that I can't think of the name of...where Mick tells the story of sendng in $$ to a religeous speaker on the take them Paradise
    Create Good Things........
    Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
  • Aha! Holey Ghost, I know what song you mean and I like it--very cool, thanks! Here's the lyrics for ya:

    Far Away Eyes

    "I was driving home early sunday morning through Bakersfield
    Listening to gospel music on the colored radio station
    And the preacher said, "You know you always have the
    Lord by your side"

    And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
    Twenty red lights in his honor
    Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord

    I had an arrangement to meet a girl, and I was kind of late
    And I thought by the time I got there she'd be off,
    She'd be off with the nearest truck driver she could find
    Much to my surprise, there she was sittin in the corner
    A little bleary, worse for wear and tear
    Was a girl with far away eyes

    So if you're down on your luck
    And you can't harmonize
    Find a girl with far away
    And if you're downright disgusted
    And life ain't worth a dime
    Get a girl with far away eyes

    Well the preacher kept right on saying that all I had to do was send
    Ten dollars to the church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Jesus
    Located somewhere in Los Angeles, California
    And next week they'd say my prayer on the radio
    And all my dreams would come true
    So I did, the next week, I got a prayer with a girl
    Well, you know what kind of eyes she got

    So if you're down on your luck
    I know you all sympathize
    Find a girl with far away eyes
    And if you're downright disgusted
    And life ain't worth a dime
    Get a girl with far away eyes"

    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • Holey GhostHoley Ghost Posts: 744
    That's it! Faraway Eyes.

    Thanks! You both laid it out well.
    Create Good Things........
    Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
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