burlap wrap

I suppose it would be less painful if I
just let it fly
right outta my head
but I really don't wanna go back to feeling dead
so, I hold this love in my heart and my arms
and guard it from harm to keep you safe and warm
don't want you to feel numb
even if I seem slightly dumb
and today it doesn't show
that the feeling I know
is e x p a n s i v e and healing
will it reveal itself when I hit the ceiling?
just let it fly
right outta my head
but I really don't wanna go back to feeling dead
so, I hold this love in my heart and my arms
and guard it from harm to keep you safe and warm
don't want you to feel numb
even if I seem slightly dumb
and today it doesn't show
that the feeling I know
is e x p a n s i v e and healing
will it reveal itself when I hit the ceiling?