eye pain

Other people could say what they felt
and sometimes it was possible for her too
but why not always?
why couldn't she lay it out like it was?
on those days she was uncomfortable
and missing him
why did she step around it?
don't wanna be a weight or a downer
but it'd been so uncomfortable today!
that feeling between the eyes
pulling on her thoughts
the string going out
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
please talk to me
oh, will I ever get as close to love as I want to?
and sometimes it was possible for her too
but why not always?
why couldn't she lay it out like it was?
on those days she was uncomfortable
and missing him
why did she step around it?
don't wanna be a weight or a downer
but it'd been so uncomfortable today!
that feeling between the eyes
pulling on her thoughts
the string going out
I wish you were here
I wish you were here
please talk to me
oh, will I ever get as close to love as I want to?