Love thy neighbor

Even while I'm relieved and grateful it's not me
there, on the ground
I feel sympathy for the bloody ones
dragging themselves up onto their elbows
long enough to shake a fist and spit
long enough to cry, "Why, oh dear God, why?!"
I've been in the habit of closing my eyes as protection for
my own heart and love
but, it's w r o n g not to look
these poor souls!
even if they're stupid, even if they're feeling too entitled
they are hurt humans and
I shouldn't close my eyes
Wars rely on dehumanization and we recognize the evil there
the first move to peace should be seeing all souls as
precious as
How else can this slaughter end?
What needs to be done?
Let's hold hands and fix this
there, on the ground
I feel sympathy for the bloody ones
dragging themselves up onto their elbows
long enough to shake a fist and spit
long enough to cry, "Why, oh dear God, why?!"
I've been in the habit of closing my eyes as protection for
my own heart and love
but, it's w r o n g not to look
these poor souls!
even if they're stupid, even if they're feeling too entitled
they are hurt humans and
I shouldn't close my eyes
Wars rely on dehumanization and we recognize the evil there
the first move to peace should be seeing all souls as
precious as
How else can this slaughter end?
What needs to be done?
Let's hold hands and fix this