Acme could make 'em

justamjustam Posts: 21,412
edited April 2007 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
It could be dark and light green
or silver with shiny parts?
it'd have to be compact
small enough to fit in most clothing
Acme could make 'em
after all these years
I still think it'd be a good idea
to have a pocket-glow-meter
my invention from childhood
that little detector to pull out
of a P.I.'s coat
a useful gadget to measure the air
now and then
some think a smile or a twinkle
works just as well
now and then
but maybe not?
it wouldn't have entered her mind
people saw different things, didn't they?
pictures were filtered through their past
other people's assumptions
other places
suppose it is natural
for some to sort things in an ugly, dark way
that's what they'd known before
it told more about the viewer than the object
labels and looking at
call her a whore?
a treasure?
just some trash?
merely a cheat?
a lousy liar?
what ?!!!
who makes these labels?
u n b e l i e v a b l e!
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