Time & dreams & joy schemes

Time & dreams & joy schemes
for the future, it seems
listening to the wind, yes
(and wondering too)
the subject of time and priorities
(that's been there on top)
yes, it's true that
it can be a bad habit
to spend too much time
out of the present, in a mind
I think it's true & so
it's time to shuffle the deck
create a new order, a new line
don't hate me if I'm busy
I've got some work to do!
for the future, it seems
listening to the wind, yes
(and wondering too)
the subject of time and priorities
(that's been there on top)
yes, it's true that
it can be a bad habit
to spend too much time
out of the present, in a mind
I think it's true & so
it's time to shuffle the deck
create a new order, a new line
don't hate me if I'm busy
I've got some work to do!