my dream from last night

justamjustam Posts: 21,412
I should have been concentrating more on my driving
stop being distracted while moving at these speeds
but, how many days did I drive like that?
(too many)
I vaguely remembered the way
I used to live here after all!
I knew how to get across town without a map
wasn't it best to take the Longview exit to get where I was going?
(I think that was supposed to be the best way)
at least, I vaguely remembered it was
but, I was distracted
(thinking of the crazy day I'd had)
I wasn't really paying attention to which lane I needed to be in
and, of course, the signs were shorthand
nothing spelled out, just abbreviations for people who knew
so I wasn't sure whether I was in the lane I needed to be in
I chose the middle one...thinking I could dash either way at the last minute
(as the view cleared)
but it didn't ever open up
it was one of those entrances where you HAD to go once you chose
down a cement corridor, dark
God, I hope it's the right way!
whew, I can see the bridge
what a relief!
(I guess it WAS the right way)
the bridge,
with no warning
it was flooded!!!
water SO DEEP
all these people were driving right in
me included!!
at full speed
I couldn't stop for I was upon the scene before I could see
(on that damn blind high-way entrance)
and then
my car was dead in the cold water
full speed and then submerged entirely
all the covered cars!
like whales caught in just enough water to kill
of course, there were SUV drivers tryin' to power through
(ha! no such luck jerk-face!!)
and the whirlpools
but mostly there were people
men, women, surprised
in groups or alone
like me, caught with no warning
I wondered "Where were the road-blocks?"
"Shouldn't they have been back there?"
what about that sign that lights up with road conditions?
did it fail?
s o m a n y p e o p l e
floundering, cell phones soaked
no way to call home
at first, I stood by the car
but, as I stood, I realized it was totaled anyway
why wait?
and, how'd my family find me anyway?
there was no reason to stand around on the bridge

I don't often remember my dreams, but I woke up to this one this morning. The detail in this one makes me wonder about all the nights I don't have the benefit of waking up in the middle. :eek:
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