dreamy fabrication

I create theories all the time
most of them are probably just dreamy fabrications
but sometimes they're useful as guides
one of my theories is that souls are like muscles
the bigger they are, the more work they need to stay healthy
if they don't have enough to lift, they turn to fat or worse
hearts are similar, they need to carrry more weight if
they are bigger
no muscle grows without effort
no muscle stays healthy without exertion
and what about sporadic lifting?
say a person lifts l a r g e amounts sometimes,
gets so very, very strong
and then, there's nothing?
that can't be too good for the muscle!
think of the craving for the weight when there's none
it could seem like starvation
those muscles need weight to work and be healthy
don't you think that's true?
does it seem reasonable?
so much for my dreamy theory!
hope you didn't mind me throwing it
in the air
most of them are probably just dreamy fabrications
but sometimes they're useful as guides
one of my theories is that souls are like muscles
the bigger they are, the more work they need to stay healthy
if they don't have enough to lift, they turn to fat or worse
hearts are similar, they need to carrry more weight if
they are bigger
no muscle grows without effort
no muscle stays healthy without exertion
and what about sporadic lifting?
say a person lifts l a r g e amounts sometimes,
gets so very, very strong
and then, there's nothing?
that can't be too good for the muscle!
think of the craving for the weight when there's none
it could seem like starvation
those muscles need weight to work and be healthy
don't you think that's true?
does it seem reasonable?
so much for my dreamy theory!
hope you didn't mind me throwing it
in the air
