the unseenthe unseen Posts: 372
groove on
groove on

but hey..before you dance the night away
can ya tell me......

where the fuck did all these spiders come from

all i wanted was a beer
but when the wench tapped the keg
and drew a draft,she handed me a frosty full of foam........
sure,she gave a good head,but what the fuck is this froth going to do
to quench my thirst while i listen to her bullshit
he's a great guy,but listen lady
he doesnt swing his bows when he loads
and i'm fucking sick of making new ones
so fuck you and your problems
i'm off to find a beer

and these fucking spiders
they are everywhere

hey now lil happy man
just WHAT are you squirting at people
you arent all pissed off and infected are you
sharing your shit with the unsuspecting who just came to party
well,while youre at it
will you shoot these spiders nesting in my hair
the more i try to shake them free
the messier it gets

well hellooo nurse
with almond eyes and shiney hair
care to ride my pontoon
we can set sail,drink some tang
pretending we are spacemen
astronauts if you dare
you can be glen,i dont care
i'll be grissom
i'm already burned,yes indeedy,i'm a crispy
got to close to the flames one day
i was so stupid,i just jumped right in
thinking my howls of pain
were really squeals of pleasure....
but damn baby.....
you sure know how to give a sponge bath
oh yea
work that lather
guess thats an occupational hazard,but mind you
i'm so glad to know it works today
maybe you'll get combat pay

but damn,cant you do something about these spiders
i mean fuck,they are all over the place

lines on my face
the size of foxholes
where the dead and dying lie
how the fuck am i supposed to sleep
with you little piss ants dropping bombs
and shooting your machine gun fire
and where the fuck is that beer


all you have is wine
yea,that'll work.....let me find a glass
fuck you man,i cant drink wine from a frosted mug
and whats this gunk inside it

but damn,these spiders just keep multiplying

sure,i can name that lie in one word
spreading the democracy
haliburton rules
oil......we dont need no stinkin oil
just give us your poor your tired your hungry
and we'll shove a glow stick up their ass
and we'll lop off the head of an american
trying to expolit your situation for his own gain
just to,you know, show that we're sincere
and look,theres dan rather to show the world our sins
he doesnt care all he wants is ratings
you mean you really kiss your mate
with the same mouth that spews this vile

man,these spiders.....

they are all fucking over
wrapping me up in webs of confusion
i try to lick them
but ya know
they dont taste like cotton candy
no matter what you might think
thye just trap and isolate
and the spiders come to feed
a hundred billion little teeth
pulling at my flesh
i cry out
but the sounds are muffled
from the chomping of these beasts
that suck the venom from within
they are going to be some deadly motherfucking arachnids
feed well my bloated friends
feed well.......
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • the unseenthe unseen Posts: 372
    man oh man
    whose in charge of this parade
    it seems to be off course
    and the band is shitty as fuck
    at having to march behind the clydesdales
    i dunno,it was either stick them there
    or behind the float for the soldiers
    i think stepping in a lil pooh
    would be much better than walking behind a float
    piled high with the rotting dead
    i cant see where playing a tuba
    filled with body parts
    and reeking with the stench of death
    would be all that fucking pleasent
    and the way that one guy keeps staring
    with his eye hanging from its socket
    lets not even get into the clowns
    the crowd would shit
    if they knew the weapons they fire are real
    maybe they know from the bodies that litter the route
    and will you quit STARING at me motherfucker
    thats rude,and make that eye stop bouncing in place
    i cant keep the beat
    i cant keep the fucking beat
    doesnt matter
    in tune outta tune
    in step outta step
    this fucking death parade
    keeps marching the fuck on
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    I like these words about a grisly parade.
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • Groove on, muthafucka! :D

    About face... :p
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
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