Father's day

Father's day
was everyday
with you
today is like everyday
without you
today fills me
with jealously
and a conflict of emotions
drowning in the sorrow of all that I no longer have
but reminded of how grateful I am
for all that I did
it won't ever stop hurting
it won't ever be ok
but still I must live each and everyday
without your voice
your smile
your shining life
now I live with your memories
you still shine but in a different way
and I know that won't ever fade
Come back
the words I repeat all the time
Dreamfully hoping the more I think them the more likely the chances
Don't wake me
this is the only way
Come back
over and over
Come back
I can't believe PEARL JAM wrote this song!!!!!
I cried so much when I first heard it I could hardly breathe
I cried so much
I still do
I always do
For you
I swear they reached directly into my soul that lives just for you
and gathered these words, these thoughts, this pain
and transformed it all into a song
Your song
Come back
I hear it all the time
I wish it all the time
I won't ever stop
I can't believe you came to me in my dream last night
always the same reccuring one
that you finally....came back
I woke up this morning missing you so much
conflict of emotions
complete in a way that I haven't felt in so long
but feeling as though I had just lost you
I had you but just lost you
I realiZed a few hours ago what today was
Father's day
I couldn't help but smile amongst the pain
Thank you for coming back
Father's day
will always be
with you
(((((*RIP*Love& miss you so much...always))))
was everyday
with you
today is like everyday
without you
today fills me
with jealously
and a conflict of emotions
drowning in the sorrow of all that I no longer have
but reminded of how grateful I am
for all that I did
it won't ever stop hurting
it won't ever be ok
but still I must live each and everyday
without your voice
your smile
your shining life
now I live with your memories
you still shine but in a different way
and I know that won't ever fade
Come back
the words I repeat all the time
Dreamfully hoping the more I think them the more likely the chances
Don't wake me
this is the only way
Come back
over and over
Come back
I can't believe PEARL JAM wrote this song!!!!!
I cried so much when I first heard it I could hardly breathe
I cried so much
I still do
I always do
For you
I swear they reached directly into my soul that lives just for you
and gathered these words, these thoughts, this pain
and transformed it all into a song
Your song
Come back
I hear it all the time
I wish it all the time
I won't ever stop
I can't believe you came to me in my dream last night
always the same reccuring one
that you finally....came back
I woke up this morning missing you so much
conflict of emotions
complete in a way that I haven't felt in so long
but feeling as though I had just lost you
I had you but just lost you
I realiZed a few hours ago what today was
Father's day
I couldn't help but smile amongst the pain
Thank you for coming back
Father's day
will always be
with you
(((((*RIP*Love& miss you so much...always))))
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Post edited by Unknown User on
That was such a touching poem my dear. I can't imagine that loss..best to remember all the good rather than to dwell in the shadows..but you truly exuberate beauty in such a way here as tragic as it is. I'm sorry for the loss, but i'm sure he is smiling upon you hun.
Thank you so much Jenn! *HUGS* That means so much. I just really had to get this out. :( I miss him horribly...it makes me feel physically SICK!!!!! Sometimes it hits harder than others. Having that dream and then realizing what today was? Wow. I had to let it out somewhere. This is really just rambling sadness...but it helps. Thanks again girl..especially the last thing you said...it made me sad/happy and means a lot.
Every and anything good about me I have that man to thank. He was the best in every possible way. :( Always will be.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
i'm sorry you're having a tough day. rambling sadness, words...whatever helps you get through...that and good memories is all i find i need to get through. i'm sure your dad is somewhere special, knowing and feeling the special things you have to say about him.