I'll be going and leaving after Coheed and Cambria. Its a very odd choice to tour with, I agree, as do most people on the coheed message boards. You got to give them credit though, they never take any time off. They are always touring the country, and as a fan, you can't ask for much more than that. To the person who commented on welcome home, I agree, that guitar riff is sick!!!!
I think you made everyone here very happy with this. It's all you have to do
My younger brother gave me his Coheed cd's when he went digital. The first one was awful, very emo. The more they moved to prog rock, the better I liked them.
their first cd is kind of spotty, but you gotta admit time consumer, delirium trigger, and neverender are good songs. I love the intro to time consumer. What do you think?
their first cd is kind of spotty, but you gotta admit time consumer, delirium trigger, and neverender are good songs. I love the intro to time consumer. What do you think?
I can't remember the names of any of the songs. I listened to them in the car and never looked at the case. There really wasn't anything on the turbine blade album that I liked. But the two after that were ok and had their moments.
they have definitely evolved with every album, go back and check those songs off their first cd, turbine blade..... listen to track 2, 5 , and 7. Track 5 is awesome. Actually, here is a live version of it..
I think you made everyone here very happy with this. It's all you have to do
My younger brother gave me his Coheed cd's when he went digital. The first one was awful, very emo. The more they moved to prog rock, the better I liked them.
I can't remember the names of any of the songs. I listened to them in the car and never looked at the case. There really wasn't anything on the turbine blade album that I liked. But the two after that were ok and had their moments.